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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 23rd, 2024


  • You’re just arguing semantics like a pedantic dweeb. In not sure how proving Gen X and Boomers are less educated than millennials disproves my point about them being the most ignorant.

    Everything you’ve said just amounts to “nuh uh”. I’ve posted several stats showing Boomers have less education, and have the most real estate. You’ve yet to produce one single fact. But you sure caught that one typo, bravo.

    And you make up you’re own definitions like with Reagan. I KNOW Gen X couldn’t have voted for Regan. But many of them did vote for Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr. and a slew of reactionary politician at every level of government.

    Cope as much as you like but THE PAST IS PROLOGUE. While millennials bare some responsibility many of today’s societal ills can be traced back to decisions made before their time.

    And we CONTINUE see these reactionary politics from Boomers and Gen X. The average age of a Republican is 55. Squarely in the age range of Boomers and Gen X.

    TL;DR Refute what I said with FACTS are shut up.

  • I’m not going off on weird tangents. The person I responded to encouraged me to “go on” regarding the detrimental effect Boomers and Gen X have had on later generations.

    And no this is demonstrably not due to some “generational wealth”. It’s because of reactionary housing policies that boomers enacted to benefit themselves. From redlining, to Realtor steering, to draconian eviction laws, to tax breaks, to white flight, etc etc.

    You don’t even necessarily see this extreme hoarding in other western countries like Japan where homes can actually be free in some circumstances.

  • You were given numerous material examples which you handwaved away. No one is dismissing your argument as emotional. It’s emotional because you refuse to engage with the material evidence before you and retreat to unfalsifiable definitions that are based on your feels. This means no one can prove you wrong because know one can know “you’re TRUE feelings” Typical concern trolling, seen it a million times.

  • My political vocabulary doesn’t suck. You’re a typical reactionary tankie that thinks that using Lenin’s outdated analysis and calling it Marxism gives you the authority to dismiss the grievances of the colonized.

    Marxism and capitalism doesn’t have stages. Where capitalism exists all of Marx’s critiques apply. You use the tied old “muh imperialism” argument because you’re a Russian chauvinist that fears that the fascist accusations could apply to current day Russia and the fallen Soviet Union.