PGP key fingerprint: 5D5E 08A2 389D F225 ABD0 781B 291E 0C22 9D63 1697

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • AFAIK Trocador was getting DDoSed. They said they set up Cloudflare temporarily. They are looking for a better solution.

    Some messages from

    Hey there! We were under a heavy ddos attack, so we moved to CF temporarily to help our defenses. As soon as it’s over we’ll get out of cloudflare. We apologize for the inconvenience, we are looking into alternatives for the next time we suffer a bigger attack like this

    [From Tuesday]: We literally moved there 16:00 UTC as a contingency, so it’s not even 24 hours yet. We are looking into alternatives for next time a massive DDoS happens