So… mom?
So… mom?
HAHAHA get it? Wife bad!
A llama unicorn! A llamacorn, if you will!
This is very stupid, and not in a funny way. Do better.
The snow on the ground probably melted, leaving the snowman intact because it is compacted and harder to melt.
Do it! Ive def been there my friend, and i can tell you that it feels good as hell. If you find comfort in “act like youve been there before” then more power to you, but i also think that people should be free to be excited about things! Enthusiasm is great for your self esteem, or at least it is for me!
Pretty sure its a footprint, possibly saying dont stand on the box.
So i know the Stimpak, the monster logo and the gender symbol, but what is the other tattoo supposed to represent?
Ah see that would explain it!
This is cool as fuck actually. It flows like a song and i just instinctively read it like one
I recently reconnected with an ex after coming out and we have become good friends again. It feels so good to have a close female friend, but there is one moment in particular that sticks with me. We were talking about relationships and stuff and i was unsure if i should tell a saucy story and she said “omg tell me everything. You’re one of the girlies now!” I nearly cried. I think about that comment all the time.
Yeaaaah all of these things are very common among people with ADHD. So, not to put too fine a point on it, but you are super wrong.
You say that, but Fallout 76 had a legendarily bad release and its actually really successful after quite a few updates. Personally, im still enjoying starfield as it is today and am looking forward to more updates. Land vehicles especially!
You’re right, hair length isn’t really a gender thing. On the other hand, hair length is totally a gender thing. But like not inherently? Yet it still is for sure. Fucking everything about gender be that way 😮💨
This is a fever dream take lol
I was in a similar spot at the beginning of my transition. Visible M and thinning up to a few inches back. I am now just over a year on HRT and my hairline has improved significantly. I still have the M, but its much less pronounced and the thin parts are filling back in nicely.
I also had major dysphoria about my hairline, but now its way better and I barely think about it anymore. The way it works as far as I understand is that damaged hair follicles will repair themselves but destroyed follicles will stay destroyed. When you start T blockers the damage should stop getting worse right away and then begin to recover slowly over time.