• 3 Posts
Joined 12 days ago
Cake day: February 11th, 2025


  • Obviously the petition is to compel Parliament, or whoever is responsible, to take action to do so. I see this sentiment but I think it’s misplaced. The petition is to bring it to the attention of politicians who typically have a blind spot on these things and may not understand or be aware of public sentiment.

    There’s no mechanism for a petition to do anything directly. But we all know that. I’m personally immediately suspicious of any attempts to create confusion on this issue. It seems to be disinformation.

  • This isn’t stupidity, it’s intentional and calculating.

    This bare-faced, obvious hypocrisy IS the point. It’s right in our faces, and it forces his supporters to defend it. But it’s the thin edge of the wedge…you defend this, and it shifts your tolerance window a bit, and the next one is a bit more egregious, and you defend that, then a bit more, and so on until you are defending felons and rapists who dismantle the government against your interests, because it supports your guy and hurts people you hate.

    At the same time Poilievre’s opponents become even more indignant and angry, and it further divides into two sides - the team, and the other. This is all intended to firm up the cult and further divide out the other.

  • Twist ending: Trump comes out as the ultimate leftist neoglobalist. His entire life has been dedicated to cultivating the most unabashed narcissistic piss baby entitled con man personality, as a front, just so he can convince America to share its wealth and power, collapse American hegemony, and permanently destroy conservatism. He’s the only one that has the special Yank whisperer powers to convince an entire nation of dumbfucks to act against their own self interest.

    At this point nothing would surprise me.

  • Yeah, a carbon tax that results in perhaps a percent of price inflation is just nowhere near as serious - neither in kind nor degree - as 25% across the board tariffs. And if we need to have emission reduction measures in place to trade with the EU, and trading with the EU is now an existential priority, then frankly he can sit down and shut up. The adults are talking.

    (the above assumes all the talk of economic annexation is bluster, which is no longer a foregone conclusion)

  • both leaders here keep talking about how we Canadians fought hand in hand in <insert war>, took in Americans in 9/11 etc.

    I agree they are all saying this, but I sense a difference in intent between Poilievre and the rest.

    Maybe it’s my bias, but I feel that Poilievre is saying these things with the intent to convince the Americans - i.e., it’s for the American audience. By contrast, Carney and others are saying these things more for the Canadian audience - to explain why it’s justified to be angry at the Americans and we need to grow up and kick them to the curb.

    For Carney and others, it’s a rallying cry; for Poilievre it’s an attempt at appeasement.

  • This is a good observation. He wants to change his messaging because he sees the writing on the wall. Running around yelling about how shitty the country is, insulting his fellow countrymen, riding a wave of animosity towards minorities, etc. - this is the opposite of unifying. It’s reinforcing the teams. He sees it’s failing now, but he can’t bring himself to actually attack Trump or the GOP. He has to lean into platitudes and empty shows of strength. At the end of the day, it makes him look like he’s not angry enough at the US…probably because he’s not. He doesn’t have an affinity or an understanding of this country beyond narrow political gain, because he’s never spent a day of his adult life outside of politics.

  • I suspect you grossly underestimate the dependence of the US economy on other countries, and I believe that you grossly misrepresent Carney in regard to the carbon tax (which you also misunderstand) and the WEF (which you assert to be a secretive global cabal of communists, ignoring the real and blatant fascist oligarchy in the US).

    Putting all of that aside, Carney is by far the most experienced candidate we’ve had in decades, and I say this as someone who has lived 5+ decades in this country. And if you don’t see the US as an existential threat then you’re not seriously considering the magnitude of these events. Whether or not Trump decides to go through with any of it, he has destroyed the US reputation and our alliance for generations. The die is cast, and things will be different. The US is not our friend and may even be considered an enemy now but they are for sure unreliable, unpredictable, and possessing of malicious intent.

    And any treasonous Yank sympathizers should just get out before they’re put out.

  • The main driver of inflation in the housing market is investor driven demand. This can’t be fixed on the supply side, it’s fixed by regulation and enforcement of the investors and RE agents, strengthening consumer protection and insurance, and generally making investment in housing provide moderate ROI, as it used to, for families and live-in owners that expect to hold the property for at least 10 years.

    Some relief can be provided on the supply side, but it should be via government housing projects, not by greasing the wheels so that private wealthy investors can build more product to sell. That’s how we got into this mess.

  • What does that have to do with anything.

    Your comment stated that Trudeau was a pathological liar, but he’s better than the ‘alt right’. I assume alt right refers to the PPC, not the CPC, and I assumed you made THAT comparison (LPC to PPC), skipping over CPC, because you support the CPC.

    My assumption about your CPC support may be incorrect, but it sure seems to be buttressed by the fact that you stated that Trudeau is an egregious liar, when in reality his dishonesty is no worse than many other politicians, and in regard to bold faced lies about facts (as opposed to, say, broken election promises) he’s nowhere near as bad as Poilievre.

    This why I asked you if you could identify any of Poilievre’s many lies, misinformation, or disinformation. Because I suspected you might avoid answering it, as you predictably did. And given that the entire post and originating article is about the CPC, I don’t think it’s really off topic to ask about them. So, can you tell me where Poilievre has lied?