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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024


  • From what I can tell this isn’t going to function, mainly just due to the additional proprietary connectors on that Dell card. I imagine there’s some sort of firmware integration as well though since it’s got a data line coming off it too. Quick side question, is there any reason you’re not just picking up some N95 boxes off Amazon? They’re so cheap you’d pay for them in power savings vs this box alone and you could essentially treat it as a Raid 1 of the entire system with a handful of backup scripts.

  • Not sure what made you assume I was an early adopter. Generally, after the pixel 1, I waited until the first few months passed just to get the discount they always had. You seem to make a ton of assumptions to pave way for some fine cognitive dissonance as they never “sorted out the stuff” in those phone models and if you bothered to research it instead of using your own experience as a defacto account I think you’d see that.

  • Glad you had a decent experience. That was not the case for me and many documented others. The bluetooth issues are particularly well known and plagued the whole series from 1-4, if you didn’t use Bluetooth much it probably didn’t phase you but holy shit it sucked. As far as nexsus devices go they were a crapshoot. My nexus 6p crashed week 3 and bricked into a boot loop. Google replaced it only for the replacement to do the same damn thing a month later. They had massive QC issues which meant you either got a fine phone or a shit one and a lot of people fell towards the latter.

  • The newer ones are nice, but as an owner of the first 4 because I need unbloated OSes, they were a complete joke in hardware support and failures. Can’t count the number of times I’ve lost data to my pixel 1 randomly resetting, had bluetooth issues with 1-4, and had a smattering of other nonsense issues with everything up to the 6. Eventually I gave up and hopped over to iOS.

  • Unless you’re just opening up all the ports on your router, it should be blocking all incoming connections by default. I’d recommend doing 1:1 port mapping for the specific internal ips of your services if your router provides that capability, but at minimum just locking it down to only opening the ports required for your services should suffice.

  • That’s not accurate. It’s far easier to purchase the game currently than it is to pirate it. You get things like automatic updates, server support, verified software, library management, etc with almost every single point of sale where as with piracy you get none of those and likely a little bit of malware as a treat. If you moved games to a completely open source model, you’d see this paradigm shift dramatically with gray markets spinning up seemingly overnight offering similar features.