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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2023

  • As the real gurus of Agile point-out,

    most of the nuveau methods/processes were ideological,

    but agile had engineering-requirements, too ( test-1st develoopment, e.g. )

    Which makes it much superior to all the ideology-but-no-engineering-hardening methods.

    As they also pointed-out, you NEED disciplined individuals & teams to make it work.

    IF you don’t have effective & driven-by-quality/integrity-of-work teams, agile isn’t the right method for you.

    I’d go further:

    I’d say that both waterfall & agile ( Wysocki’s book on project-management identifies that Traditional is the poorest match for reality, Agile’s best, & Extreme is research whereas Emertxe is where you’ve got a solution, but don’t know what it’s for, yet ( like Post-it notes glue, before sticky-notes were invented ) )

    both waterfall & agile are mis-apprehensions of what’s required.

    Until you understand the required architecture, you can’t make the right architecture-choices, right?

    So, why not make a prototype agilely, until one has a proper domain-model, an executable toy-prototype which demonstrates all the key functions, & then when you’ve got the working, executable model, then you understand the architecture required, and only then do you switch from agile-prototyping to building-out the real, hardened thing…

    Just seems sane, to me, but I’m just some idiot with a bit of thinking, not a working … anything, really.

  • I had an account on there.

    Russia invaded Ukraina.

    Russia used their non-nuclear city-massacring weapon their “heavy flame thrower” on a city…

    Russia murdered Mariopol…


    Recently there was an election in Russia, & I commented that if what Putin wants is for the war to calm-down for his political-comfort in the election,

    then Ukraina had to MAKE it a political-problem for Putin

    ( obviously, the more politically-problematic it is for Putin, the more likely this stupid waste-of-life will be ended for internal-political reasons ).

    Lemmy.ml banned me for life.

    Kremlin-aligned people are doing what they can to butcher civil-rights throughout the West.

    Lemmy.ml apparently is aligned with the Kremlin.

    I’m not for accommodating true-enemy of our countries.

    Remapping it from sociopolitical-frame to internal-to-one’s-body…

    IF rabies were trying to highjack your biology, would “being nice to the rabies-viruses” help your life?

    Would it increase your lifespan?

    Sometimes one needs to accept that some people really, actually intend that one’s kind be butchered, for their ideology, or some other aspect of their personality/religion.

    Young people are generally much less capable of actually-accepting/actually-believing that others aren’t motivated by wanting to be liked…

    Young people are generally much less capable of accepting that there are many who’d rather see one butchered/destroyed for sake of their factional-supremacism, for sake of their ideology, for sake of their money, for sake of their class-position, whatever…

    Old people sometimes become capable of accepting the evidence.

    It seems to be both life-experience battering it into one AND one’s innate-nature ( if either one is defective for accepting the specific understanding, then it just won’t get in. And I’m saying that as a guy who took about 1/2 century to learn the meaning. )

    Understand that people who push to displace objectivity for sake of their ideology are, on both right & left, working to make-certain that this century gets “settled” through lashing-out with weapons, until factional-supremacism, of whomever “wins”, has vanquished considered-reasoning, objectivity, correctness, sanity, responsibility, accountability, all that are required for civil-rights to be.

    The amount of dogwhistle-programming going on, now even in mainstream left media ( CNN, MSNBC, “progressive” memes are getting infected with it significantly, nowadays )…

    as ClimatePunctuation continues accelerating through the next few decades, it’ll just keep intensifying…

    We NEED to reduce the amount of ideology-instead-of-considered-reasoning.

    They’re not only going the opposite way, they’re pushing that that be The Answer, just as the right are doing.


    What people do is people’s own business.

    Humankind’s enforcing the 6th Great Extinction, & pretending it isn’t, it’s successfully activated ClimatePunctuation, which is accelerating, & will continue accelerating for decades, before peaking, then slowing-down to the new ClimateEquilibrium ( hot planet ), & … pretending it isn’t…

    non-accountability/non-responsibility/denial/ignoring is going to enforce the extermination of most of humankind, this century…

    The “infection”/highjacking of the US is what happens when corruption is accommodated, right?

    a “post constitutional” US of A, is what they’re working-on enforcing, now, when they take possession of the US…

    Notice, finally, that Leninism, with its “proletariat dictatorship” & Murdochism/Fox with its “populist dictatorship” are actually equally opposed to considered correct reasoning being normal, or owning authority… both oppose correct-education for all, preferring propaganda/brainwashing ( Leninism through “education”, Murdochism through TV & biblical “education” ).

    Accommodate it if you want, or hard-block it if you want.

    I’m not claiming a “vote”.

    it is my opinion that they ought be defederated, hard, absolutely, by all who value civil-rights, just as all who are machiavellian/gaslighting ought be locked-out.

    but I’m not claiming any binding-vote, of any kind, in any community.

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