• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • By the way, there’s a pretty good chance the article is bullshit.

    The Ukrainians did lose an F16 and its pilot. But they didn’t lose it due to a crash.

    See about a week ago, the Ukrainian propaganda arm released a video where they were commemorating the memory of another Ukrainian pilot who died in 2023. The video was filmed at an airfield with F16s. Due to some unique architecture in the background, the Russians were able to geolocate the airfield at Ivano-Frankovsk, which they bombed last Monday, during the massive bombing strike of Ukraine. And that is exactly where the Ukrainians are saying that the F16 “crashed”.

    There’s a pretty good chance that the Russians destroyed that F16 on the ground, with the pilot inside, probably during ground preparations. But ofcourse, Ukraine doesn’t want to admit to anybody that they lost a precious F16 and its pilot, on the ground, because they fucked up. So they are probably inventing this narrative about a “crash” and a “non-combat loss”, so they don’t look like clowns.

  • The West has built itself an economy based on services and speculation. Meaning it’s backed by nothing, other than imaginary concepts. So when the prices of tangible goods go down, the few EU/US/UK industries that use/produce them suddenly have to lower prices as they can’t compete. If they lower prices, their stock goes down. If their stock goes down, then the whole speculation sector deflates in value. If the speculation sector loses value, the western economies collapse.

    There’s a similar worry with the price of steel (which is also “overproduced” by China after diminishing its construction sector), and don’t forget the recent tarrifs imposed on EVs and renewable resources exported by China as well.

    There’s wider implications on the West caused by price cuts:

    • less profits for the capitalist class

    • line doesn’t go up exponentially any more

    • the global south suddenly has viable alternatives to importing high-tech and manufactured goods

    • the financial instruments used to keep the global south down are no longer effective

  • Anything worse than what they’re been doing already for 2.5 years?

    Maybe. They’ve been holding out hope that Ukraine & US/Europe would be reasonable, so they avoided committing to full-scale war.

    Possibly 'cause they’re rusted to dust due to stolen maintenance funds.

    Yes, yes, very edgy, well done.

    This Kursk thing really pantsed Russia. How embarrassing must it feel to be a nuclear superpower, losing ground.

    Sure, it’s an intelligence failure, and a humiliation. But then what? Ukraine moved in 30 km, and now they are stuck fighting to hold insignificant 100-population villages in a strategically irrelevant area. If this was done in Crimea, or Zaporozhie, or Belgorod, it’d be a different discussion.

    Makes me wonder if they’re even able to see getting invaded as a just response for invading others.

    Oh right, because Ukraine is the just side in all this. Russians go home. Leave the poor Ukrainians alone, so they can go back to genociding half the country and revere their Nazi ancestors.

  • This was a weirdly comedic read about worlds colliding:

    American elites trying to create an American chip monopoly for nationalist and imperialist reasons, ask their colony to bring the factory to the imperial core.

    Asian worker exploitation culture being imported to the US, where everyone likes to brag how hard-working people they are and think that the rest of the world is poor because it’s lazy.

    American labour aristocrats refusing to conform with Taiwanese worker exploitation culture.

    Taiwanese capitalists making concessions to American workers so they can fulfill the wishes of American elites.

    American elites crying because they can’t build their self-sufficient capitalist tech utopia that will grab the chip market by the balls.

    Taiwanese workers looking in and feeling that everything’s a bit too surreal and unbelievable for their taste.

  • He has a big cult following, especially online, and the people who have no real opinion of him default to the cult opinion.

    In my country, a guy who worships him and got famous by camping out for weeks outside Tesla offices just to talk with him, just got elected to the EU parliament, partly because of his Elon Musk worship.