• 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2021


  • OK, so you’re really gonna say he didn’t do anything bad. Cool.

    Yeah, straw men are really easy to beat up. I’m saying no damage he did was irreparable by a president or party that actually wanted to fix it.

    Unrelated, how do you feel about Mao or Stalin? Just curious.

    All leaders are a mixed bag. Stalin is why Hitler is dead and the Nazis were defeated but also why gay rights in the Soviet Union got set back. Mao killed off much of the horrendously abusive landlord class (which was somewhat similar to a minor mobility in China) but was a bit of a Luddite. His struggle sessions were also incautious enough that even the future General Secretary of the party, Deng Xiaoping, was caught up in one.

  • I think it’s irrelevant. An actual denazification that isn’t just a blanket mass killing of Nazis and non-Nazis alike would be an expensive and painstaking process that modern Russia is neither capable of nor interested in.

    Russia isn’t actually doing a denazification. This is just a textbook imperial land grab. They’re just doing it before NATO can, and the only thing that would actually stop it would be a nuclear war that leaves the whole world dead.

  • My narrative is that Trump is the imaginary cudgel Democrats wield against voters in order to justify their cushy do-nothing jobs, collect donations, insider trade, and pretend they stand for something. It’s all theatre. In reality they either don’t care what he does or agree with him, because if they cared then something might actually change.

  • The fuck country do you live in?

    Russia, as I’m sure you’ll contend.

    Have you not seen the damage done by letting him have 3 supreme court appointments?

    Huh, guess if Dems didn’t want that to happen they could have put a competent candidate against him. Also don’t think even he expected to get that many. I suppose the aging and cancer having justice could have stepped down during a Democratic administration but she was a bit attached to the job and power. Ultimately though I think Biden is responsible since he could have packed the court with justices any time during his administration and decided against it because of “norms”, assuming he has enough brain cells remaining to comprehend the concept.

    And on that note, every “official” action is beyond scrutiny now so there are literally no guard rails if trump wins or steals a second term.

    Interesting, sounds like another thing that would be fixed by court packing.

  • Liberal hyperbole as usual. Trump is the system working as planned. There was lots of outrage after 1/6, but nothing fundamentally changed. Nothing fundamentally changed by his being in office or his actions in office either. His immigration policies were retained by Biden, his corporate tax breaks were retained by Biden, his sections of border wall were maintained by Biden, his policy of letting Israel do whatever it wants was maintained by Biden. What actually changed under Biden?