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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2024


  • Well, when I called them, I got to talk to a nice lady who helped talk me out of a panic attack so bad I almost went to the er for sedation.

    So YMMV but it worked better than I ever thought just talking to someone could so I am going to continue to encourage people to use it, however I will caution them about the consequences you warn of.

    Just to be 100% clear though, they actively talked me down from when I was about to check myself into a hospital, so I had a 100% different experience than you are talking about.

    Like a complete 180 of what you warn of.

    I can’t think of a reason you would want to lie about that though, it would benefit no one, so I do believe that it is a possibility.

  • I mean, I started playing once I heard how popular it was.

    Pokémon with guns didn’t really interest me as a description but it turns out it’s fun when you try it.

    If so many people hadn’t been recommending it. I would’ve never known.

    At some point when something gets so popular, you try it just to see what you’re missing out on even if you don’t think it’s gonna be your cup of tea.

    And it’s really more like Pokémon mixed with ARK