Why the fuck should he get a second chans on life when his victime never will ? If it where my son who where dead I wouldn’t settle for anything else.
Why the fuck should he get a second chans on life when his victime never will ? If it where my son who where dead I wouldn’t settle for anything else.
UN is a dipshit
I don’t really think there is anyone with full control of their weight.
I wouldn’t call obese a nickname - fat would be the equivelent of the n-word
You can’t be 300-400 lbs and not call it an active choice…
Just because something is hard doesn’t mean your out of control. And I know hard - nothing comes easy…
How suprising, moron says dumb thing and then does dumb things. Oga-boga shit for brains ;-)
Nah, you think theres a relation between being in a majority and being right. And Im telling you your not right and I dont accept your stupid excuses.
There is no excuse for 77 billion deaths every year.
Nazis where in majority during the 30s, these days we look back at it diffrently. Enjoy moron :-)
TLDR: Cheese wheel good… vegaaan baad ! OOH AAHH MUST BURN INOCENT ANIMAL ON FIRE !
Go fuck yourself.
Hope she gets one of those cheese wheels dropped on her head. Go Vegan !
TLDR: Random person gets a desk. Yesh intenet, really ?
Jag håller med dig, däremot tycker jag spårvägsmuseet är ett mindre nederlag än tekniska - de har fan bara blivit leos lekland med teknik… Kolla bara vad dom gjort med maskinhallen, var fullt med vackra gamla maskiner å nu är ett nåt jävla hipsterjippo för elbilstöntarna. Tekniska är ju inte statligt så dom måste anpassa sig för att överleva så dom har inget val. Nåt nytt dom gjort som var bra o nostalgi var telefonrummet med gamla telefoner å en Erikssonväxel så man kan ringa dom olika telefonerna.
Go fuck yourself meat head. Your the one that will live in the sewers eating ratburgers shit for brains ;-)
Yeah, only 16 year old girls value being liked by lesser people ;-) go fuck yourself meat head:-)
Nope, don’t miss it.
I could have my own chickens and eat their unfertilized eggs and care for the hens like any other pet - but it all comes back to that its fucking disgusting eating other beings in any sort or form.
Any vegan that says othervise is just a paused meat eater.
Eat some beans and shut the fuck up :-)
Never had that chance before, until a couple of years ago. Hug him/her from me <3
I stayed at a shitty job for 5 years because jobs here where you can bring your dog is non-existing. Hes gone now and every shit day was so worth it to be with him.