Once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places, if you look at it right

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • I know that solar panels have to be cleaned pretty regularly to function with high efficiency. My guess would be that the cost and labor to clean the panels would be pretty high.

    Quoting from National Geographic:

    Winds at speeds of about 100 kilometers per hour (60 miles per hour) sweep through some deserts. With little vegetation to block it, the wind can carry sand and dust across entire continents and even oceans. Windstorms in the Sahara hurl so much material into the air that African dustsometimes crosses the Atlantic Ocean. Sunsets on the Atlantic coast of the U.S. state of Florida, for example, can be tinted yellow.

    Quote Source

    So heavy winds and lots of dust can make wind power more efficient in desert environments

  • During covid my former company made record profits 2 years in a row; nearly doubling their annual profits. I had an open position on my team and had to hire a new employee. I got to pick the candidate and HR handled their offer and compensation package. The amount of disrespect they showed in their offers made me lose a lot of good candidates and in the end the person that was hired left after a few months when we were “reorganized” and he was going to be moved and dropped from L3 support down to L1 and his salary was going to be cut in half. I wrote letters of recommendation for all my team members and I’m happy to say all of us left for greener pastures. At one point I was even told my most senior employee couldn’t earn more than me despite his years of tenure and complication of his role. I had no issue with it but it apparently was against “company policy”

    Fuck greedy companies!