Maybe your question should have been ‘have there been ANY’ valdalism incidents… Before now
Maybe your question should have been ‘have there been ANY’ valdalism incidents… Before now
Not larger no, that’s what they are saying… I get you though but no… Had there been similar or close to this? Dunno … This language is just coming from the US admin to make it seem like an attack the us. Rather than on Elon musk himself and his values and actions, which it is.
The little heads look like boobs and balls
Yet he supports the slaughtering of Palestinians. I support Ukraine hands down they deserve freedom and peace but the hypocrisy is wild to me that people can sit around talking about human rights while supporting ethnic cleansing and genocide of others.
’ The art of the deal’
Ah yes here comes the age of ‘Trump the peacemaker’
He must be exploding with frustration; every second article about him is about his growing frustration. It must be frustrating to be that frustated.
Yet still actively building a walled ‘buffer zone’ to further imprison fleeing Palestinians
There are 100, 000 Ukrainians living in sheltered accommodation in ireland and receiving special welfare payments…
Like literally as that wench Marjorie Taylor Greene f**ked off a British reporter for not being American. What a shower of brain dead ignoramuses, and that’s being nice.