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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Unfortunately we’ve pretty much used up all easily available resources. Anyone ‘starting over’ would have a much harder time getting the things they need to really get the ball rolling again.

    When humans first discovered gold they practically only had to scoop it out of rivers. You’ll be hard pressed to find any streams with such appreciable production anywhere in the world today.

  • A few years ago, mid pandemic, I started collecting ancient coins. I was really passionate about it even thinking about finding ways to make it a small after-hours job or such, but I’ve since run into a few walls and have subsequently lost my drive. For example, I wanted to take very high resolution pictures of the coins and then compose a catalog of sorts, but while I have all the gear that I need (camera with a macro lens) my shots keep coming out wrong and I’ve since kind of given up on the idea altogether.

    My entire life is one long succession of passionately started projects that got abandoned either midway or after heavy setbacks. If I ever find one that brings me lasting happiness, I’ll gladly share it, but for now I’m just as much on the lookout as you are.

  • Yay!

    Gotta catch 'em all. Ain’t self-fulfilling prophecies grand? We get saddled with what are essentially debuffs for life, and as an added bonus we attract people who make all of them worse or even exploit them. And because we’re aware of this, it’s totally our own fault and responsibility to fix ourselves. If people keep taking advantage of us, well, that’s on ourselves for letting them!

    Why the fuck are we even born in the first place? As NPC’s for “real” people to have their way with?

  • I posit that the human mind is made up of dozens, or perhaps even hundreds/thousands “smaller agents” that work together to create consciousness as an emergent property of the whole, which makes it impossible to isolate and say “this, THIS right here IS concsciousness”. That does not mean each of those has their own personality, per sé.