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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I’m a third party in this chat, not [email protected].

    Your initial comment here was pointing out that a component of a computer build is as expensive as an entire console. Valid point, though it does ignore that the component you had in mind is superior to what Sony’s put into their machine. It’s not really an apples to apples comparison. More like an apple from the grocery compared to picking a basket of apples from an orchard.

    You seem to be pointing out that higher performance per dollar is possible with a high end computer. This is correct.

    Anivia on the other hand was only saying that for the same money or less as a Playstation 5 Pro, you can get more performance by spending your dollars on a computer instead of a console. This is correct.

    You two seem to be saying the same thing: Sony’s console is overpriced for what it is, and a better experience can be had going with a pc.

  • As someone that tries to condense posts and comments, I have ‘Show action bar by default for comments’ disabled. Now, as score location has been altered, I’m not able to see comment score. More problematic is there’s no longer an indication of whether I have already voted on a comment or not.

    In order to get this information now, I either must enable the action bar for every comment which fills a lot of the screen with buttons that I don’t need, or press and hold the comment to expand the action bar manually. This is a reduction in displayed information that doesn’t seem proportional to the benefit of a ‘cleaner’ style.

    At the very least, I’d think the score should be put back next to the commenter’s name when the action bar is disabled.

    Comments with the action bar disabled:

    Comments with the action bar enabled:

  • Oddly enough, last year I used dish soap in the laundry for a few months without noticing, and nothing like this happened. I was surprised when I looked it up and saw this kind of thing as a common occurrence. Couldn’t believe I had picked up this container each weekend for months without noticing the picture of plates and glasses on the front.

    I understand now these soaps are quite different from one another and the fact nothing happened to me is a fluke, so definitely don’t do this on purpose.

  • If you take a look at geologic time, we’ve had huge climate swings… I think it’s far more likely that it’s just sunspot activity, or something just in the geologic eons of time where we have changes in the climate.


    Below is my original comment and my initial edit. I’d thought to leave the original at the top, but that appears to be a mistake as people aren’t reading the edit I made at all, just seeing the jist of the quote and probably getting annoyed - and rightfully so.

    Anyway, for posterity:

    If you take a look at geologic time, we’ve had huge climate swings… I think it’s far more likely that it’s just sunspot activity, or something just in the geologic eons of time where we have changes in the climate.


    In my haste, I skipped formatting and linking in this comment after my client crashed a couple times.

    Above is a quote from renown buffoon, Ron Johnson.

    This is the original article the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal wrote after the interview, and here’s the two minute video they took of him saying it.

  • What is a genuine emmisions plan? Of course fossil fuel companies are opposed to the Paris Agreement. Even the ones that claim to be aligned with it. They’re structure is fundamentally against anything other than the exponential increase in oil and gas consumption.

    The industry could have gotten behind clean energy decades ago. Instead they chose to continue extracting a material that - without a shadow of a doubt - we will run out of. What an insane business model.

    Remember a decade ago when the US was decreed ‘the Saudi Arabia of natural gas’? They cooked up this wonderful term for the methane. Every pundit and politician from coast to coast called it a bridge fuel over and over again. Then instead of a bridge, they went and built a ramp that isn’t levelling off, never mind declining.

    Imagine if a couple generations ago, Exxon decided to pivot to solar and wind. With the financial resources available to that one company, we might have had panels at 40% efficiency by now. Maybe turbines at 50-60%. Who knows, if the industry as a whole put in the leg work, we may have been off oil and gas entirely today.

    The fossil fuel industry has an expiry date. If we aren’t sufficiently prepared, the impact of running out of an energy supply will be devastating.

  • I believe your point was that non profits are superior. My counter was simply that, yes, they are superior to a public company, however they are not infallible to fact that people run them, and people are corruptable.

    Forgive me but I’m not sure what to say about the second bit there. Nebula being created and owned by people that needed something like it in the first place is not ideal? Or not because of the people specifically, but because of its closed sourced design and profit sharing ratio? Maybe I’m misunderstanding you.

    At the end of the day, I would prefer each creator host their own content on their own site, with it being sort of subscribable through an RSS feed or similar so people can use whatever front end they want. Like how podcasts work. Have a feed for sponsorships available for free, and a paid feed with no sponsorships and maybe bonus content.

    I’d not heard of Ko-fi, but it looks interesting. On the face of it, it’s pretty close to what I described above without the creatives themselves having to fuss about with the technical details of hosting all their content. I’ll look into it more another day, thanks.