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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2024

    • “You can’t pass through here. We’re waiting for the inquisition.” - “We are the inquisition.” sets fire to the stakes and immediately moves on (No, they weren’t the inquisition.)
    • “What is this summoning circle supposed to be? It’s all smudged! Did you tip over that candle and just put it up again without fixing the circle? Did you reuse this circle? Is that a lump of unsecured unmetal over there on the table? Have you idiots ever heard anything of elementary workplace safety?!” (Said after a demon summoning by the demon the PCs summoned. For reference, unmetal has the bad habit of going nuclear if exposed to too much magic.)
    • “You haven’t lived until you’ve done a jumping puzzle in a non-Euclidean space.”
    • “What is your opinion on trees?” - “Trees… are.”
    • “Talk to the hand.” (A demonologist trying to banish one of the most powerful entities in the setting with a low-end banishment spell and a pentagram scrawled into his palm.)

    That’s all I can think of right now because also tired. But yeah, that campaign was wild.