Imnecomrade - pronounced “I am any comrade”

Techie, hippie, commie nerd

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I agree. Keep in mind anything I post I may or may not agree with, and I am always willing to change my mind with feedback I get from here. I post things here because I am interested in listening to discussion.

    I’d pick Valve over most game companies, but they are still a company, and I predict Valve will become worse over time unless they are bought or go under as the tendencies of capitalism lead toward greater monopolization. I have accepted that everything that I like and was produced in a capitalist systen will be rotten and spoiled eventually.

  • I don’t give one solitary shit who you vote for, I was trying to understand the strategy I’ve heard advocated for in these forums.

    If you don’t give a shit, then why are you continuing to make a fuss about all of the answers people have given you in multiple different ways that explain our strategy? You obviously do give a shit, otherwise you wouldn’t continue arguing instead of learning from our side for once. We’re just going in circles. You say you read Marx, then I suggest you also read Lenin as well because I don’t think anyone here is going to change your mind except yourself.

    Voting against the two party system gives statistics on the dissatisfaction of the population. It shows people that people are fed up and don’t want to continue participating in this fascist dictatorship. It’s also not about who voted for who and the results of the election. The point is to take advantage of the time when most people pay attention to politics and educate them while we still have their attention. Do you not want PSL to do this? Should we just sit back and wait for the conditions that spark potential revolution that we would fail at because we didn’t build the ship? I met a bunch of people during petitioning and was able to help build awareness of our party at all as most people didn’t know about us. We were out in the streets protesting and marching for Palestine. We made a commitment to being persistent in supporting our communities during multiple struggles. We built class consciousness by supporting the Black communities when people were murdered by the cops. We give a voice to Palestinian Americans that the DNC treats as subhuman.

    How the hell are we supposed to build a movement if we keep telling people to vote for the lesser of two evils? Do we not participate in elections? What are we gaining by so-called “buying time”? We’re fucked by other party. They both operate for capitalists. It literally makes no difference. There’s no time bought. The same policies are going to occur regardless of who’s in office.

    If PSL, FRSO, etc. were to tell everyone to vote Kamala, don’t you think that will kill so much support for our movement? Then who is supposed to take the reigns of the new party? Wouldn’t that force us to start all over again? And why would we want such a massive blunder to kill the momentum that our party has built for the past 20 years? Why give up on our values and submit to the bourgeoisie? Being a communist means not being tailist.

    Should this forum of comrades just say we need to vote for the other Hitler? Doesn’t that go against our values? What do you want from us?

  • What waste of energy? The 1 fucking minute it takes to fill out my ballot that they mail me? That’s the thing you are upset about?

    You’re also complaining on social media about people not wanting to vote for Kamala Hitleress. You’re advocating for people to “vote the lesser of two evils”, which is not really going to save us and conflicts with educating people about the illegitimacy of our obviously-not-democracy. Telling people to vote for the “lesser of two evils” while claiming to bring class consciousness by educating people on Marx is essentially expecting reformism to work, which it never has, and never will, especially in the belly of the beast, aka Amerikkka. This is why ML parties like the PSL are against telling their comrades to give up and vote for the DNC. It’s antithetical for communists to do this and achieves nothing.

  • Voting for a third party candidate, and better yet, working with a ML party like PSL helps spread class consciousness, even by a little. Worrying about elections when one of two oppressor parties are going to win anyway is a waste of energy and could have been better spent building a movement for the long-term. If we don’t build the ship by the time the material conditions in the future give opportunities for revolution, we will not succeed as the proletariat. Yes, it’s extremely difficult to organize people in the most propagandized country of the world. That’s why we need all of the help we can get. I believe delaying the collapse is the worse choice anyway as I don’t believe people are going to be radicalized until their material conditions worsen greatly and quickly. People are too comfortable with the current fascist rule, and Project 2025 is already mostly implemented here despite the fear-mongering.

  • Perhaps when revolution comes and we give the Indigenous people and Blacks self-determination, maybe they would prefer to be represented as several separate nations/states.

    Nobody will be “giving” us anything, you just won’t be able to tell us what to do anymore.

    I apologize. That was poor wording. I agree with you.

    Do the native peoples want to strive for Pan-Indianism? And if so, what does Pan-Indianism mean to the native peoples and what do they want (and/or not want) from being unified?

    Unity is a tool, a means to an end. It is not an end in itself. This question is too abstract to provide meaningful discussion unless you are attempting solve a specific issue, like defending a resource from exploitation or extirpation.

    Something like pan-Africanism can be spoken about more broadly because African states are mostly run by Africans themselves, unity would be a specific tool to prevent continued exploitation of the continent as a whole.

    So I guess the question is why are we trying to build an identity around a unity practice that does not exist? Detached from practice it comes off incoherent, at best. AIMs symbolism is also subject to criticism from the masses AIM operated in, and its successors seek to operate in. Inform yourself with the masses, test, criticize, change, cycle.

    This itself is an answer I was looking for, as I suspected my question was very abstract. I don’t know much about Pan-Indianism and whether continental unity is desired among the Indigenous. I know that treaties need to be respected for once, and the Native Americans and Blacks deserve self-determination and reparations according to their desired form of payment. My interpretation would be that pan-Indianism, if and under the consensus of the Indigenous, would be used as a tool to stop overall exploitation and colonialism as with pan-Africanism, but I wasn’t sure if this would the chosen tool by the Indigenous and if it was really coherently practiced and desired.

    Are there any good resources regarding this topic so I can better inform myself? I was also considering looking for Indigenous communities to learn about their traditions.