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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • It is for most scenarios in my life. And in many peoples’ lives I will wager.

    For the people that are abroad I’d have to pay to call/text them each time, and I can’t even send them pictures/videos in a convenient way (no, convincing everyone to use signal just to talk to me is not happening)

    And when my family/friends share photos/videos of important events in their lives that I care about I’d just have to accept I’ll be the only one missing out and be that awkward guy at family gatherings that’s all out of the loop.

    And when my family is organizing events I would be the only one left out and have to convince someone to text/call me because I don’t want to be in the chat, being an inconvenience to everyone and also losing much of my input.

    And I’m not even gonna mention how most workplaces and business expect you to be on WhatsApp.

    And what would I get in return for being off WhatsApp? Nothing, that’s what. I’d just be seen as the weirdo that never wants to interact with anyone online.

    Do I like meta? No. But avoiding everything they touch is not worth being a nuisance to everyone else around me. I’ve just learned to suck it up like most people do. It’s not ideal but it’s absolutely unrealistic to expect most people to get off whatsapp/messenger when everyone has been on it for like a decade now. It’s unfortunate but it is what it is.

  • Hey OP I’m in a somewhat similar boat so maybe I can chime in to help.

    I’ve pondered many many times if I’m trans/would like to present as a woman. Every time I come out of those introspection sessions feeling like I wouldn’t mind being a woman at all (physically or not), but I also don’t feel a strong desire to be one either, nor do I have feelings of dysphoria with regards to my current body (or euphoria at the idea of changing it to be like a woman’s for that matter).

    But like you I also think I wish I was more female presenting and I like “traditionally female” things, so to speak (as a silly anectodte, just this past summer I painted my whole room pink and started collecting plushies, even though I still have a thick ass beard).

    I think in the end, if I were to label myself, this lands me somewhere in the non-binary spectrum, because I don’t have a strong attachment to the notion of maleness and have never seen myself “fully” as a man, but I also don’t think I could go around calling myself a woman either.

    And after several years of this mental back and forth I frankly just now forgo the idea of labeling myself (which I guess could be a label like agender but I’ve never given it much thought). It’s tiring and nothing ever feels like it fits entirely. I feel happier doing what I like and presenting how I like, and that’s enough.

    Of course this isn’t to say you’re the same as me, but I hope this helps broaden your horizons if you don’t feel like you’re trans but not exactly cis either.

  • Yes. In most European countries even small parties can get seats. In my country there are 8 parties in parliament, for example, and 2 of them didn’t use to be there 2 election cycles ago (they were too small/new 8 years ago but eventually grew in popularity and got enough votes for representation).

    Of course if they only have 1 or 2 members in parliament they typcily tend to form coalitions with other like-minded parties so they can get more voting power.