• 12 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024

  • Well, as I’ve said, he made that idea up in a time where it made sense and did well for it’s time. But it started to not be a feasible system every turn of the decade and by the time we’ve reached the 2000s, the idea simply isn’t cutting it anymore. Moreso in today’s time.

    A lot of ideas that were made in the early 1900s through the 50s came about in a time where it made sense and did well, least for a while. But many variables since then just diminished it’s use. People aren’t making as much in 40 hours than they should and they aren’t making ends meet in those 5 days. People are expected now to have two jobs, more hours and no time for themselves or anyone around them.

  • It took me 8 full months, of tolerating a tenant’s loud vibrating music before I started calling police. Like, I don’t mind the kind of music where you can faintly hear it because it can be ignored. No, this fucker’s entitlement had the audacity to blare his shit so that not only can you hear it completely but also feel it. It was an absolute violation of the lease agreement to not have sound systems, yet here’s this fucker.

    I call the police on him and they told him to cut it out. I go to my sliding door by the balcony and saw like several people pour out from there. All complaining about how they had to be told to keep the peace because again, entitled assholes be entitled assholes.

    Since then, though, I’ve had to call the police on him again because he would sometimes think he’s crafty by doing that shit during days where management is closed. Like, dude, fuck you and your music.

  • We’ve lost some big ones this year alone, hadn’t we? I recall the early half of the year, that we lost some huge names or names that just shut down. Uloz flipped, still around but not what it once was. There was a lot of big names just gone all in this year alone.

    But I see all of this as multi-pronged.

    Aside from what everyone else has said. I will add that there could be people slipping into pirate ranks as a shill for these corps, gathering all that they can, slipping out to report.

    There also could be loud-mouthed pirates, ruining it for everyone because they’re loud-mouths, gotta spread the shit all the way around. That gets the attention of the corps that just hover over and count the days at that point.

  • Yeah I mean, that will be really pulling the veil away from people’s eyes right?

    So say that piracy is exterminated in a theoretical scenario, subscription prices now cost $20 - $25 per service just for standard. Tickets cost $19 per person. Rentals will cost $7. Copies still sold in retail stores and online hover $20 ~ $30.

    Now, piracy is gone, we have all of these increased expenses. Who do they honestly expect are going to still want to be paying that much?

    People will see all along that this is just simply an optional luxury to have, they can’t have it, they stop paying and take their money somewhere else.

    And does anyone think the executives and MAFIAA will finally admit that they’ve been in the wrong all this time?

    No, they’ll just suck eachother’s dicks while proclaiming that piracy still needed to go away.

  • I might sound a little in the minority of this.

    Everyone should sit down and ask themselves - ‘Do I Really Need This?’

    I can only speak on my behalf. I have over, roughly estimating, 1,500 games both purchased and pirated. Do I really need a subscription such as GamePass right now when I have so much already? No, I really don’t.

    I’ve pirated thousands of songs over the years, do I really need Spotify’s subscription? No, I do not and I’m glad that I don’t.

    So on and so forth. I decide what I need or want based on the current lifestyle and quality of life in my current state. I do not need over 40 subscriptions sapping me every month and it’s only gotten easier because I combat FOMO, I evaluate what else is out there that serves as an alternative that isn’t subscription based.

    These days when I look at people paying a subscription model for Microsoft Office, I shake my head and have that kind of chuckle that makes you feel sorry over someone doing that. Because really, I still use older versions of Microsoft Office and LibreOffice to handle whatever modern features that there is to handle. Not a lot has really changed to warrant subscribing to such a model.

    A lot of subscription models can be pressy to people who aren’t knowledgeable unless they take advantage of what’s out there.