26 years old, USA

  • 2 Posts
Joined ett år sedan
Cake day: 2 augusti 2023


  • What I’m trying to say is: Leftists are not the ones distracted by the culture war. But liberals and conservatives are being distracted by, aptly put, Mr. Burns.

    In this case I do blame the guy defending himself from both, because the class war includes all of the working class. If I can de-worm their brains, great, and if I can’t, we still have a class war to win. We have to get along regardless or conservatives distracted by fascists continue to be useful for them.

  • I disagree because the way I see it: This is not about leftists, but rather Democrats and Republicans. The right wing class war is and intentional distraction from class solidarity, and a lot of people got distracted by it during the 2016 - 2020 presidency. MAGA is only but a portion of conservatives, and conservative a get distracted when they buy into MAGA talking points. The people we see on TV might be owner class, but our working class friends and allies get distracted by it too.