I’m no patriot. But you’re obviously desperate to invent a crime that you can pretend applies to American leaders.
Imagine disliking Americans so much you’re willing to invent crimes for their leaders.
So you would if you could, but you can’t so you won’t.
I did read the article. It does not say what you seem to think it does.
The ICJ is not a criminal court. Its job is to adjudicate complaints between nations, in this case South Africa and Israel. The ICJ does not try individuals at all, for war crimes or anything else.
It is not “heartless” to point out that being a bad person does not automatically make you a criminal.
And it is absolutely correct, feel free to look up how war crimes are legally defined by the ICC. I am not ashamed of understanding the law.
Only one court has international jurisdiction over war crimes, and they don’t agree with your opinion.
You can certainly make a case that Blinken is immoral. But he’s not a war criminal by any definition.
It is not a war crime to lie, provide diplomatic cover, or otherwise support someone who commits war crimes. Even if it is immoral.
By the same token, it is not a war crime to support Hamas (financially, diplomatically, or otherwise) even though Hamas too is accused of war crimes.
Criminal law is based on precise definitions. You might consider Blinken to be immoral but he isn’t a war criminal.
For that matter some people consider all Americans to be equally immoral, because Americans taxpayers fund weapon purchases. That doesn’t make all Americans war criminals, either. Definitions matter.
And in the end, self-respect is more important than doing what Gazans want.
Arming another country is not a war crime, no matter how evil that other country is.
The alternative is killing bill after bill in the Senate. You know, opposition. Also known as “the thing Republicans do when they are the minority party.”
Ukraine doesn’t want to get in the middle of US political spatting.
Ukraine was literally being blamed for exacerbating the LA fire damage.
They were in the middle of our politics whether they liked it or not.
Being a republic has nothing to do with whether ordinary people hold power. For example in Plato’s Republic, power was exclusively held by philosophers because ordinary people were unwise and could not be trusted.
I don’t believe Syria ever styled itself “Democratic”. But the Syrian Republic was certainly a republic.
For that matter, so was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
A republic is simply a nation with no monarch. If you don’t believe me ask any Canadian, as they are constantly debating whether to officially leave the British crown and become a republic.
The name “National Socialist” was a trick to get people on board.
Sort of. Hitler didn’t found the party, he joined it as a mole in order to spy on it for the military. He ended up doing a lot more than most moles, eventually taking it over and expelling the more socialist (though still racist) founders.
Hitler hated socialists and tried to change the name as soon as he took over, but was convinced to keep the name because it had become a popular brand.
I don’t remember him actually saying he himself will be going.
FWIW, he has said he wants to “die on Mars”.
Yes, the organizations themselves are banned.
Expressing support for them is not banned, unless accompanied by those symbols.