• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I am for sure, all the articles I’ve seen on this have called it paint and it’s really disingenuous and frustrating. The way they describe it makes it sound like they took a can of paint and splashed it on the stones. I interpreted it that way at first and got pretty mad, imo there’s no good environmental message that’s sent by destroying the ruins of long dead civilizations. At least defacing classic European art can be seen as a protest against the colonialist attitudes that led to climate change, Idk how actually effective it is at forcing change but part of me gets some morbid satisfaction from it :3

  • Not misinformation, disinformation. You read the article, yet choose to act like this is comparable to spray paint or something else that won’t immediately wash off. This is like getting indignant bc somebody threw a couple eggs at a great pyramid. It’s stupid and irrelevant to climate change, but sharing articles where the title says they threw acid instead of eggs is just fucking wrong, and serves no purpose besides discrediting climate activism

    Edit actually this article says nothing about corn flour, sorry for accusing you of ignoring that. That’s super shady and shitty on the Guardian’s part, a detail that majorly changes how actually harmful this act was

    Double edit you’re still acting like they threw actual paint, so nvm my apology. Stop being such a blatant oil shill

  • What the heck is with all the reactionary libs on lemmy lately? People who blatantly project about how other people are liars who support genocide in the exact same breath that they claim Biden has never supported Israel and call you a fascist for pointing it out. Is this what liberalism actually is or are there just a bunch of zionist assholes on here?

    I’d find it funny but this shit is really gonna fuck biden over. They’re like vegans who think the most effective way to really people is to tell them they’re nazis, it just makes a lot of people mad at liberals and less likely to vote for them. I’m really struggling with that myself, every new but of reactionary bullshit I see from biden, his administration, and his cultish voters makes me want to tell them all to go fuck themselves and never vote Democrat again. I certainly won’t after this election, liberals have thoroughly proven the last couple administrations that they’re almost as bloodthirsty as republicans when it comes to killing and oppressing minorities

  • Don’t bother, they and pugjesus are blue MAGA fuckers who will call you a fascist for mentioning that Biden is going above and beyond to directly support genocide. Liberals are reactionary cunts who want genocide and are too embarrassed to admit it, you can tell bc they project just as hard as any reactionary (calling everyone a liar while lying about their support for genocide). If I gave half a shit about my mental health I’d block them all instead of just most of them (: