My alt for [email protected]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 days ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2024


  • the RealPage algorithm

    Which was programmed by humans, with biases and vested interests based in and fuelled by capitalism and the rest of the kyriarchy

    I don’t see any value in saying that human behavior is the problem but then specifically carving out an exception for the automated agents we create to amplify specific behaviors.

    Human behaviours. Machines don’t have their own behaviours, only those humans have programmed them to have, again, with those same biases and vested interests based in and fuelled by capitalism and the rest of the kyriarchy

    When RedBubble ganks art and sells it on t-shirts, how is that different from when Stability ganks art and sells it at a text prompt?

    It isn’t, both are automated systems designed by humans, you guessed it - with those same biases and vested interests based in and fuelled by capitalism and the rest of the kyriarchy

    Convincing the working class that tools the system creates are free of the system’s agenda may be an even greater achievement.

    And only picking examples of ways in which technology is used that are explicitly for profit is cherry picking and twisting reality. The existence of things like FOSS and other ways in which people share technology or otherwise use it to improve society without any profit motive proves you wrong.

    AI isn’t intrinsically capitalist, just like computers aren’t, nor were steam engines or power looms. Capitalism convincing you that its way is the only way to use tools doesn’t mean that’s the reality, it only means the propaganda is working.

  • Lmmfao…

    The USA was founded on genocide and built on slavery, and has never treated either of the groups they owe their exitance to with anything but disdain and abuse, never mind other groups like LGBTQIA+, disabled people, those who aren’t white or Christian, women, and so on and so on…

    Members of all of those groups are not only generally paid less, given less access to services and opportunities, but are openly abused by both establishment and society.

    But for you to specifically use trans people as an example, in this climate, where they have been the direct target of bigoted and violent abuse really is infuriating, and I have a feeling you’re more of a self designated “ally” than an actual one, since you’re clearly not even aware of what trans people are having to deal with.

    The fact that you find the idea of American not being inclusive surprising only proves your wilful ignorance, not the presence of any real inclusion in the USA.