College Prof in the US, focus areas are Human-Computer Interaction, Cybersecurity, and Machine Learning

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I’ve only made it to season 2, so I’m holding out hope that it gets better, but lazily progressive seems to describe it pretty well.

    The one that really runs me rough it how Tilly is very clearly coded to be some type of neuro divergent, probably autistic, but also only when it is convenient and quirky and will not interfere with the plot too much.

    Her suddenly being very socially adept when the plot needed her to pretend to be an evil commander or whatever, and she dropped all of her character flaws to make it happen just felt so out of character and lazy.

    Also the scenes with Spock and “child abuse bad” at the start of the red angel arc was very ham fisted.

    I much preferred how SNW handled the “our wonderful society is supported by horrible child labor and death” arc. Still about as subtle as a brick, but it at least felt like an attempt was made to encode a message, and not just saying it at the viewer like a pre-school cartoon recapping the message of the episode.

  • I’m game.
    I’m currently reading “Don’t Make Me Think: Revised Edition” by Steve Krug. The book is primarily about website design, but anyone with half a brain could translate the design principles and main ideas into a game development context. I just finished Chapter 10(?) all about designing usability tests and how to get a feel for where the main issues are with your design.
    After that, I’ve got “Design is Storytelling” by Ellen Lupton and “The Animator’s Survival Kit” by Richard Williams queued up.