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Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I saw an article about how the photo doesn’t matter anymore and everything has changed, and I thought people somehow finally realized the picture is taken out of context to prop up a conspiracy theory, but… no. It was an article about AI editing and how people can “erase history” and remove “Tank Man” from the photo and people can be “tricked” into thinking it never happened.

    Which is stupid as fuck. The pic happened. The video happened. Ironically, they do more to disprove the massacre narrative than support it. The massacre didn’t happen, and editing a picture isn’t going to erase that myth from a country obsessed with believing it.

  • One of the crew were nice and answered my question. Idk what factors are important, but the white security guy sitting down at the terminal refused to even listen to me as I tried to ask my question, demanding I keep moving. The Hispanic man working on some security railings smiled and kindly explained that the US wasn’t doing any COVID stuff when I asked him.

    On that note, it was surreal coming back from China during COVID. The absolute shutdown Beijing was in as I left. Like, a week straight of near-empty metro, temperature checks, etc. Then get to the US, and they were like “Flight from China? Nah, you guys just come on in.” It was also jarring to see the narrative change from “China is super evil for locking down Wuhan” to “China is evil for letting COVID spread all over the world”. Honestly, coming back from China did more for my political development than any other single factor.

  • God I miss China. I got to live there for 5 months while teaching English, and the only thing I hated was my job and the other Americans. Insufferable libs to a man. Not being able to speak or understand Mandarin, I couldn’t make friends with the locals, sadly. There was this place I’d always eat. 14 yuan for a massive bowl of pork, peppers, and noodles. I think that’s, like… $2.

    If I could go back and do a job I’d like, I’d take it in a heartbeat. Thank you for sharing your experience. It brings back good memories.

  • It’s been wild to me how Ukrainian military and government officials have just blatantly said the quiet part out loud, then tried to pretend they never did when it turned out the majority of people didn’t like it. This, and the fact they were pumping out psychotic lies as fast as newspapers could print them (which were all exposed as lies within a week)… I’m just surprised anybody gives them legitimacy or benefit of the doubt anymore.

    Perfect example: remember when soldiers were boasting about putting lard on bullets to kill Chechnyans because they were Muslim? And they had to be told by Western supporters that statements like that would hurt their image? Baffling how anyone could think that state is even halfway decent under its current regime.

  • Exactly. They’ve been screeching about this decades before Trump, insisting the US is some Christian fascist paradise being besieged by an international cabal of communists. Every Trumpite politician I see yammers on about “the left” in every negative thing that happens. Trump didn’t need to get shot at for them to start marching with torches at Charlottesville, or to start attacking city infrastructure to target minorities, or to push state governments and courts to adopt more and more aggressive reactionary legislation. Yes, this will be their rallying cry, their “proof”, but with how much pressure reactionaries have been putting on citizens, it was only a matter of time until someone pushed back and gave them the excuse they wanted.

  • Not disagreeing with you, but they would eventually turn to violence inevitably. Either through “legal” means as reactionaries restructure the government under Trump and his supporters, or through continued terrorism in areas or periods where he isn’t in power. It doesn’t matter if he’d gotten assassinated or if there had never been an attempt. His fanatics are convinced they’re in a holy war, and they look for any shared of evidence - real or imagined - to support that bias.

    I’d wager you’re more annoyed at the hypocrisy of liberals wanting Trump dead than them simply wanting him dead, because I can guarantee his fash followers are going to do violence and terror regardless of any attempt, its success, or its failure.