• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • If a transsexual can’t have proper healthcare, it can in fact result in death, that is very real.
    Another thing that’s real is that they are treated so poorly in general that they have the highest suicide rate by far of any minority.
    Finally many choose not to live as the gender they wish they could, because it’s too problematic even dangerous. Even if this isn’t a physical death, it is killing the existence of people that can live their life as transgender.

    Much the same way as the Iranian president when he visited New York some years ago, claimed that Iran did not have homosexuals, so there was no oppression of them.
    A completely ridiculous claim we know is biologically impossible, and we know is false because they seek refuge in the west.
    And we know Iran executes people for being homosexual, which of course is the ultimate genocide of homosexuals.

    Or will you deny that too?

    Iranian president says country has no gays

  • The House of Lords serves as a check and balance against a government running amok.

    But checks and balances from a body that by design is vastly conservative and somewhat religious is not a FAIR checks and balances.
    If the government is elected democratically instead of first past the post like in UK, the checks and balances is democracy itself, but also the supreme court, as laws must align with the constitution.
    Parlament is also a form of checks and balances.

    So no House of lords is not a form of Checks and Balances, they are a form of oppressing the will of the people, so they don’t take too much power or money away from the rich. That’s what it was designed for, not as an instrument to improve democracy.

    Ideally though, we could do with a House of … whatever’s below Common, because if the ones in the Commons are commoners, what does that make the rest of us?

    Rulers will probably never be actually average. Even in a pretty good democracy. But I can say for sure, we are closer here in Denmark than the UK, because our democracy is better designed and more democratic.

  • At a minimum immigrants should be required to declare they respect basic norms and requirements in our societies, and breach of them could result in expulsion.
    I’m thinking norms like respecting equal rights for women, respect our democracy, and respect other minorities, and respect that their religion is not more important than our laws.

    I think to some degree the extreme right is rising because this lack of respect results in lack of respect the other way too. Which is harmful both ways, both to our democracy, and to the many immigrants that actually make an effort.

  • Nope there was a survey recently, that showed a clear majority among Republican voters support Ukraine.
    Unfortunately that is not the case for Trump and the crazy MAGA crowd. And they are the ones running the show.
    Some of them are probably also delusional enough to believe Trump will help Ukraine with the peace plan Trump claims to have. Despite every sane person knows Trump will just demand Ukraine to yield, because they are not getting any more help.

    Of course the support for Ukraine is bigger among Democrat voters, but that doesn’t change that there also is a clear majority among Republican voters.

  • In the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s West Germany was a poster-child for Denazification and democracy, and Nazi propaganda was and is illegal in Germany.
    Even Scandinavian country Sweden, hailed for their liberal policies, had more Nazis than Germany.

    But after reunification the weed began to grow back. AfD popularity is very much driven by the old Communist east Germany, which was also totalitarian.

    Maybe it would have been better if East and West Germany hadn’t been reunited?

  • Hate is a strong word, indifferent is more the word I’d use.
    And I’m indeifferent because I have used (GNU)Linux as my main desktop OS since 2005, and (GNU)Linux exclusively for the past 15 years. And now even games run fine on Linux, so to me it’s all benefits now.
    So it’s just that Windows and everything Microsoft is irrelevant now, except for a classic game I still play occasionally with my wife.

    Obviously the proprietary nature with all the problems that includes, was what motivated me to shift originally, and it is also the reason I don’t even want to dual boot Windows, not if it was free as in beer either.

    1. The joy of “figuring it out”

    No absolutely not, I used to be an IT consultant, but like most people I like things to just work, and Linux has done that for many years now.
    I do however like the freedom, and that I am not prevented from configuring my system like I want to. I remember Windows having the most ridiculous mechanisms to prevent me from for instance replacing something as banal as notepad as default/system text editor. Absolutely bullocks behavior by Microsoft IMO. I am very happy to have a system where I decide, and not some company that wants to lock me into their ecosystem.

    PS: I have never tried anything Windows beyond Windows XP. But boy did Vista and Windows 8 convince me that I did the right thing switching to (GNU)Linux. Almost everybody I knew were absolutely pissed about both.

    Windows Vista was the most golden opportunity to buy expensive hardware for cheap, because it didn’t have drivers for Vista. Laughing my ass off about people who claim hardware lacks drivers for Linux, when it’s actually worse on Windows with every new release.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    9 days ago

    Just because you are still voting Biden, doesn’t mean you don’t care.
    It just means you still don’t want the raving malignant narcissist Trump.
    Any somewhat normal person would be the obvious choice over Trump. Any person who is not clearly a traitor to USA and Democracy would be preferable to Trump.

  • “There is little evidence to justify the widespread assumption that willing participation in pedophilia hurts children.”

    But per the quote above, you can’t have willing participation, it is always coerced.

    IDK, you don’t provide sources, I hope your examples are misunderstood or out of context. Even if there isn’t evidence to show harm, it is still possible to err on the side of caution. It doesn’t mean he supports it.

  • I agree, the phrasing is bad, but that doesn’t change that if you read it carefully, the meaning is clear.
    There is absolutely no reasonable basis for claiming he is defending pedophiles, when what he does is the direct opposite, by logically proving that a common defense they use is invalid, because you can never claim to know participation is voluntary. It is per definition coerced.

  • Everytime someone calls their system a Linux based OS and not GNU/Linux based OS downplays the work he put in.

    Absolutely, and the fact that people didn’t adopt it creates confusion, some people claim Android is also Linux, which you can argue, but it’s definitely NOT GNU/Linux, and it’s definitely NOT a free desktop OS as defined by freedesktop.org either. There’s a huge difference.
    Especially since Android generally means Android with Google apps, and not AOSP. AOSP is open source, but Android with Google apps is not.