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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I understand going straight to nazis is a maximalist position. But this analogy hurts me. I tend to be picky with analogies because they tend to shred nuance, but this one is the worst one I’ve heard in memory. Implying that politics effecting things is like saying “you too can be a billionaire” in rarity is just wrong. It’s not the one example, mussolini was literally next door. For a more recent example, remember how the uk voted to wreck their economy? For one close to home, remember how a guy barely won the electoral vote (10,000 in one state would have flipped it) and now women can’t get an abortion in Texas without being on death’s door (doctors, be careful how you define that if you don’t want a prison sentence)? Politics affects things. Whether it’s nationally or who gets into your schoolboard and starts banning Darwin.

  • I’ve played that hoi4 scenario as Czechcoslovakia and the only reason it’s winnable is because it’s a game and the ai makes huge mistakes.

    I’ve been comparing this invasion of ukraine to Czechcoslovakia since almost the start, but there are differences. Not really between the justification or the foreign policy that the Russian government is using. Between the relative strength of Czechcoslovakia v nazi Germany and ukraine v russia. Also between ukraine’s negotiated treaties. Ukraine appears stronger than Czechcoslovakia but never obtained a defensive pact with a single other country. The Czechoslovaks had a defensive pact, but it was quickly abandoned. I still see letting them fall as akin to appeasement, some vying for leadership positions have suggested that abandoning defense pacts is justified sometimes. If it’s justified sometimes you may try to find a hole to make it justified all the time. All ukraine had been promised was weapons and we may be in a position where we tell ourselves we did our part even if we didn’t do enough.

  • Ha why not. In fact I’ll go further. I just donated 200 dollars to humanitarian aid in gaza. I half thought about making it on the condition of him signing this bill, but then I thought it would be cruel for them to never receive it. It helps more than denying the reality of any differences between parties. After all of we can accept that reality why would they try to go any further?