• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Code should absolutely speak for itself. But the occasional comment is still good to explain the ‘why’ of the code when the why isn’t very obvious, often due to a niche requirement. Also any time you have to break out a hack, that needs comments up the ass, what was the bug, what URL did you find the fix at, why does this hack work, etc etc. It’s very satisfying to go back and remove those hacks after they are no longer needed, often because the underlying technology fixed the bug that had to be hacked around.

  • I have commented this several times before, but it has been real good seeing the consistent and notable artillery numbers. It’s one of the things Russia still has an advantage over Ukraine, at least in quantity. But it seems Ukraine has an advantage in counter-battery, at least based on just how many Russian artillery units are getting hit. Over time, with such consistent hits, it is something Ukraine is slowly removing from their disadvantage list.

  • Toss-bombing always looks cool, but has had very little application before this war. With dumb bombs it’s inaccurate, and with precision bombs countries like America gain air supremacy and fly high and drop from level flight. The Hammer is well suited for contested environments in this war as it gives much more range when lobbed from low altitude as it’s rocket assisted.

    Target selection for them will be interesting. They have a higher payload than something like a GMLRS round, so the Hammers are likely to be primarily used against buildings with troops or supplies, as we see in this video.