Don’t give them any ideas
Don’t give them any ideas
And a 10 if Nintendo doesn’t see a dime from the purchase
I know how tough addiction can be on those close. I appreciate you for standing by your friend and helping them through it
A large number of recovering addicts I know had to leave their friends behind because they were bad for their sobriety. You are a good friend. Thank you
Sorry, I should have been clearer. I was just being playful and making a (playful) joke about the concept of the trinity. I don’t mean to criticize anybody or any religion
If I’m mad at god, why wouldn’t I be mad at jesus? They’re the same person
Why isn’t anyone saying that AI and machine learning are (currently) the same thing? There’s no such thing as “Artificial Intelligence” (yet)
They dug too deep (into the candy bowl)
As somebody with just a bachelor’s degree: getting it done in 4 years is still extremely impressive and I’m proud of you stranger
There’s a child in my family who has monthly school shooter drills
I’m american. Is my perception of the average American correct?
That’s perfect. I’m voting for you for king of the world
But then the house will be lonely :(
Why isn’t anybody spotting the little bench pressing bug?
Now I’m curious what the most aggressive venom that can be ingested is
My team does this for the first ~15 minutes and then we move to “group think” for any tough problems or “water cooler chat” for the remaining 15. You’re allowed to leave if it’s just water cooler chat, so I really like it
It looks like a muzzle. I know a few folks who need this (gamer or not)
Shit. Can you invite me next time?
Or have it as a toggle after your first time watching it
Strictly-typed languages are the BEST for learning programming. I also like Java for it because there’s a difference between int and Integer (forcing you to learn about objects)
I still think a commentor in another thread said it perfectly. GTA 6 will likely be a single player sample of GTA Online 2
What about hydro electric? It uses cold steam