Well, if you stab some potatoes, circumcise a cauliflower, and proceed to nunchuck a bag of flour … Then it might just have been a grocery list and now you’re not allowed in the store anymore
Well, if you stab some potatoes, circumcise a cauliflower, and proceed to nunchuck a bag of flour … Then it might just have been a grocery list and now you’re not allowed in the store anymore
Careful now, criticism of Isreal is apparently antisemitism.
I’d go to the basement of the guy’s mom from that other post about only storing 100GB and steal his 130PB SAN.
My favorite part was when my laptop charger crapped out yesterday, and instead of syncing the super important files that I was working in, and I needed today, onedrive crashed… Piece of shit software
Have you tried sulfuric acid on organic matter? Found some H2SO4 when I was a kid and began pouring it on stuff. Plants and chicken shit were really good for an orange cloud… Don’t stand down wind
Don’t use an acid for mammalian necromass. I hear that NaOH should be a good degreaser…
That or pigs apparently. If you already have the body in parts, don’t put in the freezer for your mom locate. I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies’ digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don’t want to go sievin’ through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, “as greedy as a pig”.
Actually, you could let the pigs it all, lock, stock, and barrels, and then use a healthy dose of lye (that’s the NaOH from before) to treat the pigs’ shit for any left over solids. I’m not much of a chemist, but I do reckon that you’re left with any identifiable pieces after that ordeal.
Your dinner, their choice
Hvor lang tid går der før 17årige poster billeder af alkohol købt på tanken kl 23 på SoMe med hashtag “lægeforeningen” ?
Begge forslag inden for et par dage, og med lægeforeningen enten direkte eller indirekte som afsender.
Skal vi hjælpe folk, der misbruger alkohol? Ja da, men jeg er ikke sikker på at fjerne eller begrænse handlen med alkohol er løsningen. Personer der har anlæg til misbrug, vil misbruge noget andet. Vi skal måske hjælpe på det niveau?
OMG jeg kan godt høre det selv. Jeg lyder jo som en af de der våbentosser, der siger at våben ikke slår ihjel, men at folk med våben gør, og kommer med alle mulige andre platte forklaringer. Sandheden er, at jeg bare gerne vil kunne købe en flaske discount vodka i lidl hvert halve år. Eller portvin, når jeg alligevel er i meny. Og får et bolaget monopol, hvad sker der så med priser og udvalg?
Jeg ved godt at det der er tale om, det er ikke en monopol løsning, det er en “alkohol efter 22 er kun på beværtninger” løsning… Men er det overhovedet den edge case man gør det til? Er det faktisk så hyppigt alkoholikere, det køber sprut på tanken? Måske en anden lemming har erfaring fra et tankpasserjob? Jeg havde altid forestillet mig at den afsindigt dyre sprut blev købt primært af folk på vej til fest.
Let’s save the world by putting tariffs on magma, making an eruption economically infeasible.
I referenced this post to my wife, she just went “huh” and nodded to her self … IDK, if I stop posting I want it to be known that I’m not suicidal
Base load isn’t really a thing.
How do you figure that?
This is the problem with pro nuclear. There isn’t an understanding of the issue.
Is this an attempt at insult? If you believe that I have misunderstood something, then please enlighten me.
Lets not talk about reaction time of fission plants.
Agreed, let’s leave that out of the equation, as then the only viable backup to solar and vind, using current technology, is burning stuff.
We’ve postponed nuclear for +40 years, causing climate change to get further and further out of hands.
Thanks Greenpeace /s
Not really, not right now it isn’t. If you want to cover baseload with wind and solar you’ll need energy storage. We haven’t got a solution that scales well, yet.
Fra artiklen:
Hvad skal man gøre, hvis man ikke vil have andre til at se i ens beskeder?
- Så skal man ikke bruge sms. Det er en kommunikationsform, som ikke er krypteret. Så vores anbefaling er klart, at hvis man fortrolig information eller kommunikation, så skal man bruge andre kommunikationskanaler, siger teledirektøren.
Mig bekendt var den gamle kablede telefon, telegrafen eller folks post ikke krypterede. Hvornår er det blevet lovligt at undersøge indholdet af kommunikation hvis bare det er ukrypteret?
I grundlovens §72 finder vi vores ret til privatliv:
Boligen er ukrænkelig. Husundersøgelse, beslaglæggelse og undersøgelse af breve og andre papirer samt brud på post-, telegraf- og telefonhemmeligheden må, hvor ingen lov hjemler en særegen undtagelse, alene ske efter en retskendelse.
Desuden finder vi den her lille juvel i §77:
Enhver er berettiget til på tryk, i skrift og tale at offentliggøre sine tanker, dog under ansvar for domstolene. Censur og andre forebyggende forholdsregler kan ingensinde påny indføres.
Så hvis jeg sender en enslydende SMS til 50 elever. SMS’erne indeholder et link, til en formular de skal udfylde, samt en opfordring til at åbne linket. Så kan man mene hvad man vil om min løsning, men vi kan vel blive enige om at SMS’erne ikke overtræder nogen lov. Alligevel mener både Digitaliseringsministeriet og Justitsministeriet, at der er lovhjemmel til at undersøge og censurere mine SMS’er?
Kun findes der forhåbentlig klogere og koldere hoved i dette community. Så kanske nogle vil fortælle mig hvad jeg har misforstået?
Hvem kunne stoppe dem?
Sirius Patruljen! Alle 14 pax, samt Grønlands hjemmeværn, der ikke eksisterer.
Hvis rigsfællesskabet skal i krig med USA, så har Færøerne godt nok bare at stille med mandskab.
Seriøst, hvis USA vil tage Grønland, så kan vi vel ikke gøre mere end klage til FN, hvor Rusland eller Kina vil rejse en afstemning om fordømmelse af aggressionen, der prompte møder et veto fra USAs FN ambassadør… Som jeg gætter på bliver Alex Jones eller Caitlyn Jenner.
Det er sgu lidt lige som i folkeskolen, hvor der var det der barn, der skulle have været i et specialtilbud, men blev inkluderet 3 klassetrin under sine jævnaldrende. Minus på intellekt, men plus plus på råstyrke.
I think tinkercad is a great place to start. It’s browserbased and doesn’t cost money. It may not have a lot of components, but it still have quite a few more than just resistors, caps and inductors. And it is aimed at newbies and hobbyists, which is reflected in range of the available components. Being able to drag an Arduino into your sketch and have it run your program is neat.
We used to use yenka, when I taught electronics. It was OK for teaching, but I don’t know if I’d recommend it for self-paced learning as a hobbyist. It costs money, requires software installation and is so much more than just electronics that navigating the program can be difficult. And default settings explodes components when you put too much current through them, that alway annoyed me.
deleted by creator
Edit. Lol people downvoting in ignorance. Classic.
Firstly, bitching about downvotes is tacky. So tacky that even on reddit it was frowned upon.
Secondly, in ignorance? Well it’s either that or because you seem to believe that every 20yo that can afford to travel is a privileged douce. Take your pick, it really doesn’t matter to anyone else what you believe.
Lead Paint Girl and Asbestos Boy were just here!
“Lead Paint Girl” ?!? You can’t call someone that! Lead is heavy and causes mental retardation (I’m sorry if that word offends you, it’s the literal translation of the diagnosis in my language)… Anyway, calling people “lead paint person” indicates that they’re both heavy and idiots.
So with no further ado, let me introduce to you, the next president of the United States of America:
Donald “The Lead Paint President” Trump
It could be abbreviated as LPP. Alternative uses of the abbreviation, could revolve around pronouncing the letters PP, and substituting the L with words like “Little”, “Leaky” or “Leprous”. Finding better words starting with L may be a fun game to play with your friends, when you’re hiding in the hidden part of your basement, while armed right wing nut jobs go hunting for libs in the 2028 election.
While I obviously agree that it can’t be described accurately as a mass shooting, I still wonder:
Do the victims need to be innocent for it to be a mass shooting?
From a philosophical POV there’s a issue of defining what an innocent person is (I mean some Christian societies will say that nobody’s innocent). Is innocence to be judged through the eyes of the shooter or society?
Anyway, that wasn’t the point I set out to make, so let’s set that aside.
Suppose one was to go to a convention of child molesters, war criminals, and nazi death camp guards, and you start shooting indiscriminately. I hope we can agree that members of the categories listed should be classified as “not innocents” by any contemporary standard. Even if only people guilty of the previously mentioned things got hit, wouldn’t it still be a mass shooting once a certain number had been shot?