Just a learning boy who stumbled upon Marxist-Leninist ideology. I am now a learning ML trying to grow.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Hope the (you and/or the original) poster of this meme is one of the few based, tankie-tolerating anarchists pls.


    • Thinks that disposing the state immediately post-revolution is stupid, willing to keep it around for his end goal to flourish.
    • “A centrally planned economy and democratic centralism are one of the best ways to run proletarian society comrade.”
    • Hates anarchists that are anti-communists, but are willing to tolerate and work with anarchists that are either neutral to or sympathetic towards communism.
    • Pragmatic, but this guy ain’t never gonna give up on his beliefs and goals.
    • Professional dialectical materialist, sees history as two or more things affecting each other (usually with people being caught in the crossfire), not because a shitty-ass dictator had a bad home life.
    • Doesn’t see the world as black and white, reality is much more nuanced than “obvious goodman” and “obvious evilguy”. Can critically support others, but that critical support depends on how much he likes what those guys are doing.
    • Believes all capitalist entities will either be vehemently anti-communist and are violently trying to destroy the proletarian projects, the former but subversive about it, or just “playing and supporting both sides of the war”, is willing to destroy the state and let communism flourish once global socialism is achieved.
    • “Fuck you capitalist parasites and corporate hives, this private property now belongs to the proletariat.”
    • “Any worker is a fellow comrade, I don’t give a shit about your background, place of birth, religion, gender, etc., unless if you’re a fascist or capitalist bootlicker, otherwise, fellow comrade.”

  • They say in the link that their whole point was to get GenZedong banned and they don’t know what to do with themselves now that their goal was realized

    Probably move on and diss, shit on, heckle, and despise on some other fuckin subreddit that’s somewhat similar to GenZedong, otherwise, GenUSA is a bunch of losers who think they’re being based for being “”“”““ironic””“”“” USA propagandists.