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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Yeah, I got tired of being the product. It used to be Google phones were significantly cheaper, that’s just not nearly as much a thing anymore.

    Then you have to take the additional steps of finding privacy focused roms etc… It just wasn’t worth the savings to me. There’s things about Android I miss, but the fact that my phone is good for years and years is such a game changer.

    I have been gradually transitioning over to proton for additional privacy and I’ve basically completely divorced myself from Google at this point.

  • Serious answer:

    I can’t speak for anyone else, but I believe in a religion because I’ve found it to be personally beneficial.

    I was a pastor for many years and saw much of the best and worst religion had to offer. I haven’t stepped foot inside a church since COVID broke out and don’t know that I ever will again.

    My personal beliefs are still a significant part of my life, but I understand why someone would ask the question that spawned this discussion.

  • Beautiful art for a fascinating moment in the Bible. For those who’d like to know more, I wrote a small blurb:

    So this is one of those oft-misunderstood moments in the Bible. Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus while Martha works too host everyone. Martha gets all huffy at Mary for boy helping, but Jesus protects Mary.

    What’s interesting is there’s subtext here that isn’t about housework or hosting.

    Sitting at the feet of a rabbi is where ones learned to become a rabbi. Paul himself says he learned at the feet of Gamaliel, a famous rabbi of the day.

    Martha was upset that Mary was presuming to learn like a rabbi. She likely thought Jesus was Just being nice about it, so offered a pretext for him to dismiss her. Jesus shut that down hard. Women are welcome to learn to become teachers in the kingdom he’s building.

    -Luke 10:38-42, Acts 22:3 (nrsv)

  • It sounds like the argument is that men are more likely to succeed if they don’t have to worry about managing the day-to-day activities aka a housewife.

    While it may be helpful for his career, it generally comes at an overall decrease in happiness for the homemaker.

    Society is harder than ever, with restaurants being more expensive, childcare difficult to sort out and far more expensive than food, and so forth. A trade wife makes all those obstacles go away.

    The actual answer is society needs to step up its game and support couples better, because failing social safety nets has an inverse correlation to rising misogyny.