Ms. ArmoredThirteen

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • My mom stayed with me for a month after surgery to take care of me. I’m in my 30s and never expected to need so much help from my mom again but she was there for me. Also I was held in the hospital for 5 days instead of the expected 2-3. I was starting to lose it, no sense of time, drugged up to my eyeballs, okayish food, my mental health was nose diving. I had to be able to walk a certain amount before they would discharge me. Despite having been able to walk a previous day, the morning of the fifth day I couldn’t even stand. The nurses didn’t want me to push myself and were saying I may have to stay yet another day. I felt completely defeated like I’d be in the hospital forever. I texted someone I was having a difficult time and they called me, hyped me up, told me I could do it and everything would be okay. I managed to walk later that day and get out of the hospital because of that call

  • Back in the day one of my friends had just the most gigantic glass bong I’ve ever seen. It was too long to smoke and reach the bowl to light by yourself at the same time. Typical use was one person lit, the other person draws, no smoke had reached them yet so the lighter stops, smoker had to empty their lungs then try to clear the whole thing in one go. If there were enough people you could get the bowl going and pass it around the circle fast enough to keep it lit

  • I’m going to be that person but what system/edition/game are you talking about? Points sounds like 2nd edition with the way they do specializations, the penalties sound like 3.5 or Pathfinder, -6/-4 isn’t one of the possible penalties though (and it would be listed -4/-6), two handed is usually a term to describe a two handed weapon not two weapons