They see like this all the time.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 2nd, 2021

  • It’s all about allowing liberals to continue to be smug about something. “Oh China may have improved the lives of their people by magnitudes but they will just collapse sooner and be worse than us again in the future.” Then they go about their brunch and continue to smell their own farts all day long.

    The news doesn’t have to give reasons, only claim China will be worse off because it’s what libs need to hear.

  • To put it simply, the west is not capable of actually building their productive forced back up. It is impossible at this stage of capitalism. The money MUST flow to the top. The oligarchy at this point will NEVER take the loss in wealth that would be needed to rebuild a mode of production that would make them able to rival China. At this stage, the decline in the western imperialism will continue to outpace its ability to try to build it’s productive forced back. All this is is chest beating and blistering for one purpose. Keeping faith in the companies that make bank off the defense budget. Gotta pump those stocks. That’s what this is really all about. Stocks and assets. It’s what’s it’s always about. The people making these big, grandiose statements… They are the shit ass CEO of my company that’s currently tanking due to mismanagement and incompetence at the top. But when the company town hall happens you’d thing we were an SP500 mega corp. It’s all bluster. It’s all the “80s business guy” from Futurama.

  • His brain continues to turn to pudding. I’m convinced that him hinting he might drop out of the race was a small slip of him saying what he actually wants to do, deep down he’s just a tired,crazy old fuck. Then his handlers got in there and grabbed the reigns again and you see him do a 180 and say he’s absolutely not dropping from the race.

    There is a part of me that almost feels bad for him, as this is basically boiling down to elder abuse. Part of me also thinks this is absolutely the very minimal he deserves for a lifetime of evil and support of capitalism. Work you old fuck. Be tired and forced to stay awake for you masters. Be forced to work till your last breath.