Hi, I just discovered this site. I’m hoping to make some friends. I’m stuck at home and lonely. So I’ll tell you a bit about myself. I’m cis female, ace. I’ve been having cancer treatment for quite a while and recently had a stroke. I’m going through a disability benefit appeal. All my friends drifted away when I got sick as I was no longer fun. The last time i saw my friends was at my 25th birthday party. I’m turning 41 this year. I’ve had no social life or offline companionship since then. I worked several jobs including fitness instructor and carer for the elderly, then went to university in my 20s to study philosophy. I had to drop out due to the side effects of my cancer meds.

My life now revolves around endless benefit assessments, last one I was awarded zero points and had my money stopped. I’m currently fighting it but now have no money at all and a maxxed out overdraft. Food bank access is awful so I’m starving constantly. I’ve been learning to walk again since the stroke. Previously I was sporty but now it’s painful to even walk. So I wanted to take up art as a hobby, start learning to draw from scratch but I can’t even afford paper and pencils.

So, life is awful. I need a distraction and someone to talk to. I used to talk to the people on a suicide pact forum (I’ve already made on attempt and often feel desperate enough to try again) but I just got banned from there for trying to sell my meds on there. Don’t judge me please - I was only trying to do that out of financial desperation! So now I have literally no-one to talk to online or in real life.

Obviously I’m a leftist. I’m sick of this world where some people are billionaires while millions starve.

  • squid_slime@lemm.ee
    13 days ago

    Yea this is a head scratcher. In another post I commented how capitalism feels like a drawn out punishment, then on top of that we get further punished for being punished. Like currently I am bidding on social housing where once a week I must log into devonchoice.com /org to place fucking bids, if I stop I get removed from the programme, why not add me to a list. In two or however many years it takes give me a call and say “you made it to the bottom of the list, here’s a flat for you” but again its a punishment and an arbitrary game.

    We should have food programmes in Britain not banks but actual programmes that take from the capitalists forcefully to feed our most vulnerable.