Hi, I just discovered this site. I’m hoping to make some friends. I’m stuck at home and lonely. So I’ll tell you a bit about myself. I’m cis female, ace. I’ve been having cancer treatment for quite a while and recently had a stroke. I’m going through a disability benefit appeal. All my friends drifted away when I got sick as I was no longer fun. The last time i saw my friends was at my 25th birthday party. I’m turning 41 this year. I’ve had no social life or offline companionship since then. I worked several jobs including fitness instructor and carer for the elderly, then went to university in my 20s to study philosophy. I had to drop out due to the side effects of my cancer meds.

My life now revolves around endless benefit assessments, last one I was awarded zero points and had my money stopped. I’m currently fighting it but now have no money at all and a maxxed out overdraft. Food bank access is awful so I’m starving constantly. I’ve been learning to walk again since the stroke. Previously I was sporty but now it’s painful to even walk. So I wanted to take up art as a hobby, start learning to draw from scratch but I can’t even afford paper and pencils.

So, life is awful. I need a distraction and someone to talk to. I used to talk to the people on a suicide pact forum (I’ve already made on attempt and often feel desperate enough to try again) but I just got banned from there for trying to sell my meds on there. Don’t judge me please - I was only trying to do that out of financial desperation! So now I have literally no-one to talk to online or in real life.

Obviously I’m a leftist. I’m sick of this world where some people are billionaires while millions starve.

  • ChuzaUzarNaim @lemmygrad.ml
    13 days ago

    Oh christ, you’ve really been through it with them then. You have my sympathies.

    The whole system is pretty much designed to humiliate and punish those in need for seeking the minimum level of support. It’s a hellish bureaucracy overseen and operated by the exact kind of people you’d see working as file clerks in some fascist government.

    Multiple doctors have written letters of support saying my condition likely won’t improve.

    You’d think that’d be the end of it, but they’ll continue to argue the case sometimes. I haven’t had it that bad in comparison, but prior to my dad finally dying, they continually argued the toss about his deteriorating condition, including questioning if his mobility issues were really that serious/longterm (he’d lost a leg by that point).