Stolen from 2009scape Discord uwu

    4 months ago

    I’m an open source maintainer part-time. My God how I’ve wanted to call so many people “idiot” straight to their face.

    I don’t blame some people for turning bitter. You wouldn’t have much faith in humanity left either, after closing your 100th duplicate issue with a solution that sums up to “read the fucking docs”.

      4 months ago

      I was talking to a friend recently who was frustrated because they felt like tech support had been treating them like an idiot. They’re a reasonably techy person and had gone through all the troubleshooting steps in the documentation, but the person on the phone had them do it all again. I tried to explain the perspective of the tech support guy — the fact that people often refuse to restart their PC because it feels like too simple of a step and they feel patronised by the suggestion, to the extent that people lie about whether they’ve done a particular troubleshooting step.

      I told them that it was valid to feel frustrated with how long the call took when it could’ve been much quicker and simpler, but that they should attribute their frustration at people who repeatedly refuse to read the docs, rather than the tech support guy. My friend wasn’t an idiot, but they were tarred with the same brush because of how many people seeking tech support are belligerent idiots.