The main reasons I’ve seen from vegans for not eating meat seem to be all about the morality of eating a sentient animal, the practices of the modern meat industry, and the environmental impact of it. And don’t have anything to do with the taste of meat.

Since lab-grown meat doesn’t cause animal suffering, and assuming mass production is environmentally friendly, would you consider going back to eating meat if it were the lab-grown kind?

    1 month ago

    I’ve been vegan for four years, and I would personally not be interested in lab-grown meat because I have no desire to consume meat anymore, after a while it became quite gross to me to think about, just kinda icky.

    I don’t know much about lab grown meat, but if there are no animals harmed in the manufacture and it’s at least somewhat more sustainable than animal products, then I wouldn’t have any ethical objections to it.

    I’d be much more interested in ethically produced dairy than meat, personally.

      1 month ago

      I saw lab grown milk at the grocery store the other day! It’s still pretty pricey and there’s only whole milk but I’m excited that accessible lab grown milk is on the horizon

      1 month ago

      I dated a vegetarian, and I love to cook. It was wild how little it took to break through the “meatless” thing. We didn’t last but I kept the skillset, and eat vegetarian at least a few nights of the week.

      I love being able to taste things at every stage without worry about food safety. Like if I don’t think a sauce is quite right, I can always try a bit. Once you kind of break through, meat freaks you out a bit… and I still eat meat!

      Edit: I’ll also add: giving up cheese and eggs would be hard as hell though… I get where that would be more exciting than meat.