I don’t agree with throwing money away on a service I am not receiving.
Ah, yes. That argument. She’s fine with other people paying for her superannuation though.
Alternative headline: Pensioner Benefits Whole Life from Unsustainably Low Rates
A special fuck you to these kinds of people.
Is there a reason that the Council are supplying for closing in on a 70% rates rise?I’d be outraged also.
I’m assuming it’s because one of new Zealand’s national sports is neglecting infrastructure maintenance for decades and then selling it off because it’s too expensive.
Then 40 years later when we can’t have nice things any more, we need some infrastructure, we realise it has to be paid from somewhere and rates includes a lot of that ‘somewhere’
This has been a nationwide issue for generations, sadly - we’re not really a first-world county (although technically, that’s a political distinction, not about the std of living)
Taupo just got a “nice” surprise WRT rates, 25% increase yay.