• Antmz22@lemm.ee
    24 days ago

    Imo: You have to not run away from the terms whenever possible, if not even communists will say they support communism it lends credence to the idea that communism is inherently dirty and not to be associated with.

    If you talk to 100 people and half agree with the principles but all leave still hating communism blindly, thats much less effective than if half agree with the principles but deny it thanks to cognitive dissonance and 1 person realizes communism might not be so bad.

    Then perhaps when 2/100 of those people are communists instead of 1/100, maybe a 3rd would be willing to listen, so on.

    1 commie, teach 2 commies, teach 3 commies, teach 4 commies, teach more commies.

    Obviously I’m not saying to lead with a eulogy on Stalin or anything, but it should be a balance between drawing them in and not treating communism like a bad thing.