Basically title. Do you know of any companies that use desktop Linux?

I can think of two in my area in Brisbane - Adfinis and Red Hat. Both have a pretty small presence here from what I last heard (several employees each).

My employer allows the Linux team to use Linux but it’s discouraged and our lives are made somewhat difficult.

  • Possibly
    24 days ago

    I have to disagree. Group policy is absolutely the best thing that has hit the IT world. You absolutely can assign it to groups and it is pretty straight forward to make. It also has the benefit of being very wildly used and documented. Assuming Microsoft doesn’t keep screwing with it I think it is solid.

    Also Active Directory is just LDAP, DNS and fileshares with configurations. You can though Kerberos (technically part of LDAP) and printers in there to. It is actually a pretty good system and I like playing with it via Samba AD.

    I don’t want to be rude but if you hate Windows you probably need a new career. I don’t mind managing Windows systems the problem is Microsoft ruining the OS. It also happens to be totally proprietary and spyware which isn’t great.