I’m not trying to gatekeep the franchise and my political biases are obvious with my screen name, but I just find it confusing that a conservative wouldn’t automatically be pissed off from a franchise that has had liberal/left biases baked into it from the beginning. I know a lot of them don’t like “NuTrek” so I won’t even get into those. DS9, which was the “darker” and more morally ambiguous show, had these biases still baked into it, what with a pro union episode that positively quoted the Communist Manifesto. Or Past Tense or a host of other episodes I could list. Enterprise’s last two parter was an anti xenophobia, and basically pro “globalism” episode and etc etc. The franchise has always been a left soapbox of sorts so it just kinda confuses me that there’s apparently a legion of conservative, right wing fans.

  • cybervseas@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    A bunch of random thoughts I’ve had about this over the years.

    If you want to use a hard right lens you can interpret some Star Trek stuff in a way that aligns with your worldview.

    • Starfleet is a pseudo-military organization. Rank is very very important. They’re the best of the best, and they come to save the day often with phasers blazing.
    • Sure the humans are egalitarian, but each race has its own behaviors and personality types and traits: Klingons are aggressive, Ferengi are greedy, Romulans are duplicitous, Bajorans are spiritual, etc.
    • (idk about this one) Men are more “important?” in older trek. Women were sexualized more. In TNG after Tasha died, the leading women were a doctor and a counselor. And they put poor Troi through so many tropes, including random pregnancy and those tight outfits.