What’s the “hmmm”? Assuming I’m not missing anything this post wouldn’t fit this community and I will have to delete it to keep the quality of this community up to a some standard. 🧐
This perfectly scratches the desire for hmmm. Start by looking it over and thinking “what’s the problem?” Then zoom in closer and think “well this is dumb, there’s nothing weird here.” Finally take last look at the urinal, where I hmmm in about 3 different ways
What’s up with the urinal?
The pipe seems to be a closed joint attached to the front of the urinal without any other holes, meaning it shouldn’t dispense water (hmmm 1). But the fact that the hackjob exists in a used bathroom means that it has to dispense water somehow or it would reek like hell (worse than bathrooms like this usually smell, also hmmm 2). But then there are also owners who probably wouldn’t care enough to fix it, even with complaints, but which one could it be? (Hmmm 3)
Lol, I thought that having a urinal and a toilet seat might suggest 2 people use the bathroom simultaneously, hmmm
I saw it as redundancy.
Oh, is OP’s thought that this couldn’t be a public restroom? If so, I’m not sure why OP would think that.
I dont see anything wrong to be honest
Hahaha nice
What’s the problem?
It’s a more satisfying hmm if you manage to figure it out, so here’s a tip: take a closer look at the urinal
is there something wrong with it? I can’t seem to see anything off here
The pipe seems to be installed incorrectly, so it wouldn’t dispense any water
I am sure that there are different types of urinals. This doesnt seem that wrong
just not seeing it
Your post is bad, and you should feel bad.