The International Criminal Court prosecutor said Monday that he has requested arrest warrants for the leaders of Hamas and for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

In a statement, the prosecutor, Karim Khan, said he would seek warrants for Yahya Sinwar, Muhammad Deif and Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas. He also said he was requesting warrants for Mr. Netanyahu and for Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant.


    4 months ago

    I agree with most of your comment except this:

    Hamas using civilians, hospitals, schools, and so on as sheilds is by design, not logistics.

    Just open up Google maps and look at Gaza. It might be intent, but it’s also logistics. There is hardly any space that isn’t occupied, and the majority of that is right against the border so not suitable for use by militarized group with inferior power. You don’t “play fair” when your enemy is hundreds of times stronger than you.

    Also, I do want to point out that a large bit of why there’s conflict is because Europeans coming to Israel purchased farms in the region. These farms were traditionally worked by Muslims, and this continued for a while. At some point they agreed to only hire Jews, making it so the Muslim people, who had survived by working on farms, no longer could make a living. This is how they started to become displaced and also when the violence started. Hamas exists because of this, and because Jews wanted to get rid of them. Sure, Hamas wants to do the same, but they were put into the position they’re in. Israel chose their position.

    Im “sympathetic” to Hamas in that I try to understand the history of it and the reasons for conflict existing. They’re goals are horrible and their methods suck, but I don’t fault the kid on the playground throwing sand in their bully’s eyes because it isn’t fair. Yeah, Hamas shouldn’t exist, and hopefully they don’t some day. They exist because of Israel’s actions and choices though. You don’t get to cause issues and then complain about the consequences without being called out. Hopefully a solution is set up where the Hamas doesn’t have power anymore, but that requires fixing the causes of the problems.