My Adansonii bush. Not sure where to go from here. I keep chopping the head off, and it keeps sprouting more nodes, making it look a little unbalanced.

Ideally I’d replant the mature tops into the soil on the bottom, for a bushier plant. But it’s already extremely bushy, running out of room down there.

Open to any ideas on how to manage it. I’m already giving away/propagating my top-chops, so I guess that’s the long term plan?

    1 month ago

    It’s looking good! I have a similar problem actually, and I’ve been noticing that my older leaves are also slowly deteriorating as well making the overall plant seem a bit less nice. I ended up chopping some of the vines back almost all the way to regrow some new branches near the bottom to replace the old leaves. You can probably do the same over time with all of them to keep them fresh.