Update: I got banned from hexbear and grad lmao

  • YourPrivatHater@ani.social
    2 months ago

    Das du linguist bist zeigt sich gut am Unverständnis der Realität.

    Und wenn die “konservativen empör köder” einfach tatsächliche Probleme sind (wobei ich die Einwanderung da extra steht) die man ansprechen muss, dann ist es so, soll man jetzt der AFD das feld überlassen was gewisse punkte angeht? Das ist so töricht und falsch, Probleme lösen statt neue zu erzeugen wäre schön. Aber das ein Linguist davon nichts versteht, kann ich mir vorstellen.

    Im übrigen ist dein Israel hass genauso ein Punkt der mich an den neulinken ankotzt, wiederwertiger gehts kaum, Netanjahu als nazi bastard zu bezeichnen ist absolut richtig und vernünftig, aber dann gibts Leute die eine Geschichte von apartheid und Genozid zusammenspinnen und die kommen in der Regel von links “woke” oder den ganz rechts außen Schweinen.

    Auf mehr von dem mist will ich auch garnicht eingehen. Ist eh nur Halbe Bibel, ganzer Hurensohn 0 Inhalt und rauf auf den strohmann.

    DU bist woke. Du laberst die anti gesellschaftliche scheiße die den rechts außen in die Karten spielt.

    • sparkle@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      Jesus Christ my guy. If you willingly look at all this, the history and facts of what Israel did and continues to do to Palestinians, and you still willingly go with the narrative that Israel isn’t an ethnostate and isn’t committing acts of Genocide, then there is no saving you. The Scholz ministry’s propoganda has gone way up there in your head.

      Nazis and alt-right nutjobs own the word “woke” as an insult. Being labelled “woke” is a badge of honor, all things considered, because it tells you that the right-wing lunatics really don’t like you. You might want to change your strategy because it’s genuinely funny to most people when someone uses it as an insult. It sounds like a parody of conservatives from 2014 YouTube.

      I’m done with this conversation man. You’re going to stay stuck in the 19th century for the rest of your life.

      • YourPrivatHater@ani.social
        2 months ago

        Ah so now back in English.

        You don’t know shit about reality, you behave like a entitled toddler im nither part of SPD nor like them, they are too Russia and China friendly, you speak a lot of antisemitism and bullshit.

        And now, respectfully, FUCK OFF NAZI SCUM!

        Nie wieder ist jetzt, ob von “links” oder rechts! Nazis raus aus Deutschland!

        • sparkle@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          Ok I said I was done with talking but this comment in particular is funny. You’re really that extremely against the SPD and the German left huh…

          After the rise of the Nazi Party to power, the SPD was the only party present in the Reichstag to vote against the Enabling Act of 1933; the SPD was subsequently banned, and operated in exile as the Sopade.

          Maybe you’re the Nazi if we think about it ;) After all, you’re on the side of modern genocide. Have you considered that the Nazis got into power because of the centrists, the people “left nor right”, refusing to take a stance against Nazism, instead fearmongering over the woke socialists and justifying the rise in power of the right as the left “pushing too far” and being “too radical”? You know, basic civil rights and all that extremist Marxist stuff… Pretty analogous to what people like you are doing today, don’t you think? “Oh what was left extremism then is fine, but what’s left extremism now is the end of humanity”.

          Not that I disagree much of the modern SPD is pieces of shit. Because of their anti-Palestinian rhetoric and lack of action against Russia, not because of their “wokeness”. But that’s the entire German government, not localized to them.

          But okay, okay, now I promise I really won’t make a snarky response to your blatantly defamatory insults again. Go off on me. Call me those slurs you were saying were completely fine to use.

          • YourPrivatHater@ani.social
            2 months ago

            I said im against SPD, not left, i literally voted Greens in the EU election. But go on projecting your nazi beliefs onto others.

            Fucking shit head nazi.