As we’ve been building out our site, we’ve wanted to showcase the icons of various projects and protocols. However, there’s been a real lack of any kind of icon font for that purpose…Mastodon is pretty much the only Fediverse project to be featured in FontAwesome, and the ForkAwesome project has been dormant for a long time.

So, we’ve been building our own.

    2 months ago

    Thanks for the response! It makes sense that you’d have to build stuff from scratch if you could not reasonably find something somewhere else that “fits”. A good work on hosting that extra tidbit yourself, too.

    As we started working on this, we realized that there wasn’t a really good resource, and that we would have to build something from scratch.

    Has this impacted your decision process on how to iterate this over time? I assume at some point there will be more or different projects going around, some projects may die but their archives might still be around, who (if anyone) counts as the authoritative voice on how a given project’s icon should look, etc.