Hi All,

About a year ago I transferred all my files to a new drive. I used filzezilla which did mostly ok-ish, but I didn’t notice that some of the video files were corrupted. Random files will have a green tinge to them (like someone put a green filter over the lens).

It seems random, although if it’s a series it’s usually the whole series.

I’ve been replacing them as they come up, but I was wondering if anyone had any bright ideas to expedite the process.

Thanks for any help!

  • Fribbtastic@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    The health check that Tdarr can do depend on what health check you select, the “quick” health check will only check the file headers. This probably won’t find any video corruption unless the file headers are corrupted or invalid.

    The thourough health check will basically do a transcode of the input file without an output. This is being used to run and check each single frame of the file and “process” it without actually producing an output. https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Null

    Would this screw with plexs own traditional transcoding?

    No, Plex and Tdarr are two completely different things.

    Transcoding is not some universal thing but rather a term to describe what is happening. In general “transcoding” means that you convert something from one format into another.

    When you use the processing pipeline through Tdarr, it would detect a file in your library and run it through your specified pipeline. Depending on what you want to do with the file and how the pipeline is configured, it might or might not do anything with that specific file. When you, for example, configure that you want any file that has a video stream that isn’t encoded with HEVC to be HEVC then a H.264 file would then be transcoded.

    This is on a “replacement” bases, so any file you run through this would replace the existing file in your library. Meaning: you have a H.264 file before tdarrs processing and after it is finished, you have the file with HEVC as video stream.

    With the health check, as explained above, this is a bit different since you don’t have an ouput file, there is also no replacement happening. It is just a “check” that the file can be transcoded in its entirety (with a thourough health check).

    When Plex transcodes something, this is done “on the fly”. This means that it only transcodes the current file in your library.

    Technically, tdarr could “screw” with the Plex transcoder when Tdarr processes a file while you yourself watch the same file that is then transcoded by plex. When Tdarr is finished, it would replace the file which then could throw off the Plex transcoder. But this is very rare or non existent and you could even configure tdarr to do those things only at a certain time and it wouldn’t happen with health checks. as someone who runs both, I have yet to come across something like this.

    Or does it attempt to repair a file by transcoding

    As the name suggests, health checks are only “checking” if the file is healthy, there is nothing being repaired here. While you might be able to repair the file header, a corrupted video or audio is not something you can repair because of missing information. But that is nothing that Tdarr will do anyway, it just verifies/checks if it is healthy or not.