The amount of bullshit there is to make things work is… not that bad. When it comes to games, I just can’t. Having to reboot just to fix common FPS issues is too much. I’ve had a bunch of things that require a config change, which then has caused other issues.

The state of Linux Desktop is the best it has ever been and I’ll be back the moment Wayland works better. I love Linux, but for now, it’s not working out for me… Just needed to vent, thanks for reading.

    2 months ago

    Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with your distro. It can happen, not all hardware behaves equally well on Linux and differences between distros are huge. Some even don’t run the latest kernel.

    Out of curiosity, did you try Fedora, Ubuntu, KDE Neon, Kubuntu or Linux Mint? These are in my opinion great general public distros that are very stable. Ubuntu and Mint notably is lacking in Wayland support but KDE Neon and Fedora are very good at it.

    Also, did you try running the desktop with X11 instead of Wayland?

    I’d also recommend having another drive with the Linux distro so you can jump back and forth easier and test out new distros without having your computer potentially unusable.