• masterspace@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    Not that’s what people who can recognize genuine architectural defects and aren’t blind fanboys say.

    That’s what people say to people who don’t raise valid criticisms but just go on unhinged rants about how credentialed they are.

    …you still haven’t realised that === is not what I have a problem with have you? It’s literally a non issue. In fact, equality in general is a non issue. It’s the wonky standard library, lack of proper support for binary operations,

    Wonky standard library? Name your issues.

    Lack of proper support for binary operations? Like Jesus Christ you also frustrated by a lack of direct access to the assembly instruction set? Do you know why those arent properly supported? Because it doesn’t come up for 99.99% of software developers, and for those who do need to do bitwise math and manage memory directly, you have the entirety of Web Assembly available to you.

    serialization and almost everything being an afterthought that I have a problem with.

    As opposed to other languages where the entire concept of functional and async programming were implemented after the first version? Name your specific criticism of how JavaScript implements serialization that you don’t like.

    Except that amounts to a mere ~180_000 lines of the 3 million. Did a plain create-react-app without Electron, still over 3 million.

    Who the fuck cares? Do you know how much easier it is to parse through and find a problem in 3 million lines of JavaScript code then it is to try and figure out what part of the millions of lines of closed source compiled code that make up Java or C# or whatever other language you like?

    You’re also using a deprecated project, and you’re checking against the dev version with dev dependencies, not the final minified version. Oh my god look at how big this Java project is before I compile it, what a nightmare!!1!1!1!

    You’re the one who came into this thread bitching like a Reddit edge lord about the most popular language and the most successful cross platform development platform in the entire history of programming, I’m the one saying it’s no worse than any other major languages and is better than many of them.

    But no, I’m sure it’s the millions of successful developers and users who are wrong. Everything is shit but you amirite?

    • Mia@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      2 months ago

      Oh my god look at how big this Java project is before I compile it, what a nightmare!!1!1!1!

      When shipping to customers, all code is your responsibility, dependency or otherwise. A bug or a security vulnerability, which aren’t rare in the JS ecosystem, is your responsibility whether you wrote the code or not. Customers don’t care if someone else wrote it, it’s your product, you are to blame. Thus, the less code, the better. Less moving parts also means more stability in general.

      the most popular language and the most successful cross platform development platform in the entire history of programming

      But no, I’m sure it’s the millions of successful developers and users who are wrong.

      People can be successful with things that aren’t perfect. It’s often a matter of being the first, not being the best. Something can be popular and still not be good, momentum is hard to stop. If JS’s own creator saying so in the last few years can’t convince you of that, I don’t know what will. Flash at one point was the most popular. It was still flawed, and a liability, but I bet that doesn’t hurt you as much to hear.

      Everything is shit but you amirite?

      Quite the contrary. I have flaws like everybody else, but at least I don’t deflect every single criticism of stuff I like because in can’t fathom it not being perfect. It’s fine, use it. Maybe one day you’ll find a platform that’ll make you realize there’s better stuff out there.

      But I’m done arguing with you. I should have known by the tone of your first reply that this wasn’t going to be a real discussion, just you being butthurt because someone said something negative about your favourite language. Go get butthurt somewhere else.