I was on a discord server with liberals and anarkiddies who wanted to plan to make a commune, but I got banned for “Mao-Ze-Dong Apologia” and one of the organizers was extremely anti-Castro.
Indoctrination by a Cuban exile parent. I tracked them down a few months later and DMed them a couple of BE vids and they just responded “my grandma’s anecdotal experience invalidates anything a researcher or person who looks into history could say”.
I was on a discord server with liberals and anarkiddies who wanted to plan to make a commune, but I got banned for “Mao-Ze-Dong Apologia” and one of the organizers was extremely anti-Castro.
How can one be anti-Castro? He had to quote him “moral armor” he is the kind of guy I would have a chocolate milkshake with
Indoctrination by a Cuban exile parent. I tracked them down a few months later and DMed them a couple of BE vids and they just responded “my grandma’s anecdotal experience invalidates anything a researcher or person who looks into history could say”.